Queen of Pentacles

Hello hello, my darlings! I gotta say, I’m pretty proud of myself for hopping back into this and making such wonderful progress over the last few weeks. Today will be no different as we look at the second to last card in the Pentacles: the Queen.

Upright, the Queen represents prosperity and security, while also bringing a nurturing aspect to the reading. You have created or are successfully maintaining a healthy balance between home life and work life. You’ve worked hard to generate this level of financial and/or physical security, which allows you the freedom to share your wealth and abundance with those you love. Make sure to remain compassionate and practical when dealing with others and your present circumstances. Sharing with others doesn’t mean that you go without. Focus on creating a balanced life for yourself. Be resourceful and down to earth when dealing with issues as they arise. Straightforward solutions that fix the problem with minimal fuss is the key. At times she may also speak to a mother figure in your life who can provide you with loving support and nurturing to help get through the influences of your past.

When she is reversed, she encourages you to spend your generous energy and care on yourself. Trust that work and family can survive without you for a short period of time while you pay more attention to your own needs. You may be focused on working toward sustainable financial independence, but have lost the balance between work life and home life. You’re putting too much attention on one side to the detriment of the other. Sometimes you just can’t do everything and will need to make choices about where your priorities truly lie. Talk to your partner or your boss and adjust expectations as necessary so you don’t feel over-committed to one area.

While all of the Queens have a nurturing aspect, the Queen of Pentacles carries a specific air of a working parent. You are strong and capable, my darlings, but as the wheel turns, so do we too need to make sure that as we thrive, we make time for rest.

Knight of Pentacles

Hello again, my darlings. Last week we talked about the enthusiasm and energy of the Page of Pentacles. Today we’re going to talk about what keeps us going when motivation wanes. The Knight cards represent steady progress in my mind. They have trained and worked hard to move from a Page to a Knight of the court, and they know the importance of discipline.

Upright, the Knight of Pentacles represents routine, effort, and responsibility. This particular knight may not be the most inspiring or creative in the deck, but he will do the consistent work to get the results he wants, even when that work is highly repetitive. You are committed to your goals when he appears, and he encourages you to keep doing what you’re doing. If you keep making gradual progress and go with the flow, over time you will reach your goals. Right now may not be particularly exciting, but know that you are on the right path. If you’re feeling tired or like you want to quit, stick with it, and you will see success.

The Reversed Knight of Pentacles suggests that you are feeling stuck in the daily grind and life has become boring and dull. Or perhaps you have been neglecting the routine and mundane tasks that breed this bored dissatisfaction. While you need to make sure you have a schedule in place, and that you stick to it to complete your necessary chores, there is nothing wrong with being spontaneous. Bend your rigid edges until they are a little more flexible so that you can balance work with play.

Either way, this Knight is all about the long haul. Routine and consistency are key in reaching your goals when he appears. That doesn’t mean you should neglect your need for fun or excitement, but temper it as well, my darlings. Balance is the key to success.

Page of Pentacles

Hello hello, my darlings. Today we start making our way through the court cards. First up, the Page of Pentacles! To me Pages represent enthusiasm, fresh eyes, and a certain sense of naivety. Not necessarily to a detriment, but more in a childlike wonder kind of way.

Upright, the Page of Pentacles is bursting at the seams with determination. You are ready to level up your skills and learn something new so you can manifest your dreams. This card invites you to take a class or start an apprenticeship in something new to discover a new aspect of yourself. Welcome in new career opportunities, projects, or hobbies. Make sure you set a clear plan in place to achieve your goals. This is the initial stage of creating success and abundance long term.

The reversal of this page speaks to procrastination or a lack of readiness. You’re being presented with a new opportunity, but feel ill equipped to move forward, worrying that you don’t have the skills or resources for success. It may also suggest that you have tried to get a specific idea off the ground multiple times, but somehow wind up farther away from where you want to be. If this is the case, take some time to step away from this project for a short time. You need to re-energize and refocus before you try again so you can learn from the previous failures.

Motivation and enthusiasm are great ways to kick start an idea, but staying flexible and adaptable when something doesn’t work out is key. Personally, I struggle a lot when things don’t go to plan, but staying focused on why we wanted to start a project in the first place can help align us with our passion when we get knocked down.Stay determined, my darlings!

Ten of Pentacles

Hello again my darlings! We’re making good progress through the first of the Minor Arcana now, so let’s wrap up the numerical cards with the Ten of Pentacles today. In general, Tens stand for completion of a shorter term event or project. Something spanning a few days or weeks, at most a couple of months.

Upright, this Ten represents long term success and financial security. You’ve reached a point of accomplishment in your journey and you want for nothing. You have everything you need, especially when it comes to the material world. There is a permanence in your security now that you have created a lasting foundation on which to build your future successes. You are strongly connected to your family, whether chosen or blood, and find deep joy in seeing your loved ones enjoy your wealth and abundance.

Reversed, the Ten of Pentacles points to the dark side of wealth, or perhaps even financial failure. Have you fallen into the trap of wealth? Wealth sounds great in theory, but there is always more to be had, and your self-worth can easily become tied to your wealth. Do you need the latest fashions? The coolest devices? Or is that just what is expected of you, and not what you want from life? This reversal asks you to unravel your need for wealth from your want for a specific social status. If this doesn’t resonate, perhaps you are going through a financial setback or instability in your family life. Re-evaluate your position and choose a course of action that will help you regain a sense of security and self-worth.

Whether you’re basking in the satisfaction of your hard work or reassessing your relationship with wealth to start anew, know that nothing lasts forever. We are constantly changing, shifting, adapting. Money comes and goes, my darlings. Time is irreplaceable.

Nine of Pentacles

Hello, hello, my darlings! Today we’ll be talking about the card that, to me, stands for self-care in all that it is. The Nine of Pentacles.

Upright, this Nine says that you have worked hard to create abundance in your life and now you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. Don’t be scared to splurge or treat yourself to a special occasion. Maybe get the gift you’ve had your eye on to celebrate your success. You deserve it! Financial Independence is yours, and you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of basking in it.

Conversely, the reversal of the Nine of Pentacles shows up when you are questioning your worth. You’ve been wondering if your skills are valuable, whether you are enough, or if you are within your rights to ask for a raise. It can also denote a time when you are so busy working and hustling to reach financial independence, that you have no time or energy to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Now is a great time to retreat to a natural setting and rejuvenate yourself. Invest in yourself and what is important to you. Don’t be afraid to take a cut to your income or reduce your hours at work for a time to focus on your priorities.

It is rare that we recognize our achievements for a decent length of time. Most of us get swept up in what is coming next. Wondering what else we can strive for. But in the words of Stephen King to Neil Gaiman, “This is really wonderful. You should enjoy it.”

Eight of Pentacles

Well here we are again, my darlings. Slowly but surely digging our way through a standard tarot deck. Today we move on to the Eight of Pentacles.

Upright, the Eight of Pentacles is a sign of encouragement. You are developing skills through repetitive tasks, and while it may feel like drudgery, your discipline and consistency are bringing you closer to your goal. Keep doing what you’re doing and it will lead to success. It requires a lot of dedication, focus, and patience, but the energy you invest in your personal development will be worthwhile.

The reversal denotes that you are focused more on perfection than on your goal. You’re losing sight of the big picture and why you’re doing the task in the first place. You’re spending a lot of time and energy on your task, but not seeing the desired outcome manifest. Shift your focus to bring your actions back in line with your broader goals. Don’t get bogged down in the details.

While it’s great to want to do a job well, remember that perfection is an impossibility, and it is in our imperfections that we are unique and special. No one can do the task like you can, that’s what makes your work so important, my darlings.

Seven of Pentacles

Look at us here two weeks in a row! Ready to pick up with the Seven of Pentacles? Me too, my darlings.

The upright Seven of Pentacles indicates a long term investment. This can be something that is in the planning stages or something that you have been working toward for a while and may be feeling that your efforts will ultimately go unrewarded. Either way you need to step back from the day to day grind and take a look at the big picture. Take time to assess where you can best invest your time and energy to get you closest to your goals. Remember, there are no guarantees. Your frustration with slow results may be valid, but focusing on what you can do with what you have will get you further than pouting. Be patient and follow through.

The reversed meaning of this card is to make those same assessments of time and energy. Are you too scattered to be making an impact on your goal? Or are you at a point where the project isn’t as fruitful as you had hoped? If it’s the latter, it may be time to pack it in and try a different approach to get what you want. If you’re drowning in frustration that you aren’t seeing the results you want even though you’re giving it your all, recognize when you’re beating a dead horse. You are the one in control of where your time and energy goes. Shift to a productive course of action.

We have the final say in what our lives look like. If you are unhappy, my darlings, pinpoint where your frustrations lie, and change your actions to align with your happiness. You’re in charge. Don’t give away your power or your energy to a fruitless cause.

Fives are Discordant

Well, I fell off the train again, my darlings. But! The important part is that we get up and keep going again, right? So here we are with the Five of Pentacles a few weeks later. But the intent is what matters, in my opinion. So, onward!

Numerically, the number five generally means discord or conflict, and this five is no different. Upright, the Five of Pentacles highlights a lack mindset. You’ve fallen on hard times where your career or finances are concerned. Remembering that this time of hardship is temporary is key, or you may find yourself sabotaging your ability to create abundance. Take time to focus on what you have, even if it feels small. Gratitude can help you move through this already short period even faster. If you focus your energy on what you don’t have, you will continue to see only what you lack.

The reversal is a bit more forgiving, and shows that you are coming to the end of your trails, especially if you have recently taken a large financial hit or have experienced job loss. Perhaps someone has offered to help you out while you’re getting your feet back under you, or you’ve found a new source of income, or even a new job. Regardless, it shows the light at the end of the tunnel is within reach. Keep going, and be grateful for those around you.

Remember, Pentacles represent our domestic, physical, and financial life, and it is not a sign of weakness to need help in any of these areas. We all need support at one time or another. The most important part is to get back up and keep. On. Going. We are in a constant state of growth and change, as is the world around us. While change is very seldom comfortable, it is beautiful and necessary. Keep going, my darlings. You’re doing great!

Four of Pentacles

Hello hello, my darlings! I hope the shift in weather finds you well and ready to tuck in and rest this winter. As promised, this week we move on to the Four of Pentacles. Fours in numerology generally represent stability and structure, and this four follows through on that line of thinking in regard to our financial and physical well being.

Upright, the Four of Pentacles points you toward your relationship with money. While it can mean that you’ve created wealth and abundance by staying focused on your long term goals, it is sometimes accompanied by a scarcity mindset. You’re on the road to success, but this is a gentle reminder to make sure you are maintaining balance while you work towards the finish line. You’re allowed to enjoy your wealth and still remain conservative. If you have trouble spending on yourself, take a look at how much importance you are placing in material possessions and financial wealth. It’s important to respect money and wealth, but don’t become so attached that you lose sight of your life as it is. Otherwise your friends and family could wind up feeling slighted by your financial goals. Splurging on yourself and today’s joy can feel like a threat to your safety, but this can also denote a need to control your life in more ways than one. Assess your current relationship with your finances and make sure you’re honoring the importance of monetary wealth without giving up emotional and psychological wealth.

On the flip side, the reversed Four of Pentacles appears when your relationship with money is far out of balance. This can look like overspending in an attempt to seek out love and happiness, or perhaps that your love for money has evolved into greed. Your desire for security and certainty is only increasing the chaotic state of the world around you. It’s time to re-evaluate your priorities when it comes to wealth. Your attempts to protect yourself are doing more harm than good. Money is slipping through your fingers and leaving you grasping thin air. Ground yourself and remember what you have control over; yourself and your actions.

Scarcity mindsets and splurging tend to beget one another, and in the world we live, it can be difficult to find balance when so many of us are just struggling to make ends meet. Keep breathing, my darlings! You are capable of balancing basic survival and indulgence. I believe in you!

It Takes All Kinds

Fifteen days later, my darlings, and I return with apologies and the Three of Pentacles! Let me atone for this by charging ahead instead of blathering on.

Upright, the Three of Pentacles comes to us as a sign to value diversity in projects. It’s time to collaborate and learn from others who have different experiences from ourselves. It reminds us too, that every project succeeds when we prepare properly. We are competent at what we do, and it is encouraging us to continue on this path. Organization of resources and time management are the foundation we’re looking for whether with a home renovation or an important task in our careers. Having a comprehensive plan and a realistic schedule will pay off. Do your research and build a structured plan to move forward.

The reversal, then, speaks to the butting of heads between team members. Someone is not being heard or valued properly and is causing an upheaval that might mean timelines need to be adjusted. If one member’s timeline doesn’t mesh with the rest of the group, make sure you’re hearing their concerns. You may even need to pause progress temporarily to assess the next steps with every teammate’s concerns and needs in mind. Make sure that the expectations are clear cut, especially around respect. This reversal could also mean that you are the one feeling undervalued and overlooked, or perhaps you’re trying to get the job done by yourself. You’re putting in the hard work, but your experience is consistently unappreciated or others are holding up your progress. It may be time to look into making a change in your professional life. However, if you insist on going this project alone, remember that if you find yourself drowning, you can still ask for help!

Being flexible is the key when it comes to this card, whether you’re starting a project or rerouting it. Don’t underestimate how much a good plan and an open mind can nurture success, my darlings! I’ll see you next week (I promise).