Eight of Wands

Hello hello, my darlings! We are chugging right along through the Wands, and today we’ll be talking about the Eight of Wands. This particular eight is one of the few cards of the tarot that has a clear yes and no meaning. These are very rare, and I usually encourage people to ask a question of the deck that cannot be answered with a yes or a no. However, the Eight of Wands has a very clear distinction.

Upright, the Eight of Wands represents fast-paced change and action. Whatever struggles you have been facing are cleared away, and you should use this opportunity to funnel high energy toward your goals. You may find yourself incredibly busy, but in a way that leaves you enthusiastic for the progress you’re making. Strike while the iron is hot, but try not to get too many tasks on your plate, or you may find that you’ve started many projects and completed none of them. Finish what you start before moving on to the next, and use the high energy in this card to propel you forward. This card is an enormous green light!

The reversal, therefore, is a foretelling of delays and frustration. It says to hold off on your activities for a short time until circumstances become more stable or predictable. If you’ve been feeling stuck and trying to force progress, try doing something different to get the energy moving, then return your focus to the task at hand. It may also be that you are getting your ducks in a row so that you will be in an excellent position to move forward when the delays and obstacles facing you have passed. Regardless of the reasoning, now is the time to shift gears. Slow down, reassess your next steps before continuing or put the project on hold all together.

However the Eight of Wands comes to you, it will most certainly carry a high energy to it. Whether it’s a speed boost or a slam on the brakes, make sure to listen closely, my darlings. Fear can cause us to resist high speed change, and impatience can have us slipping up and making mistakes when we try to force the outcomes we want.

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