Slowing Down with May’s New Moon

Hello my darlings! I want to touch on the New Moon that’s coming up on May 30th. This one is going to be in Gemini! Associated with Mercury, who is currently in retrograde, they rule over transportation, technology, communication, and contracts. If you’ve been having trouble expressing yourself lately or finding a lot of inconvenient mishaps making you late, we generally chalk that up to Mercury being in retrograde. That being said, I think that this New Moon may be a good time to cultivate some patience. Patience with ourselves, others, and general circumstances of any given situation.

Keep in mind that Mercury will be leaving retrograde right after this New Moon on June 2nd. Giving ourselves and others the grace to be fallible and human during this time will resolve a lot of misunderstandings before they even become an issue. If you’re entering into any legal agreements at this time, don’t be pressured to move quickly. Take your time to read the fine print and make sure you understand what you are agreeing to.

I know now that the weather is becoming more amenable to playing outdoors we all tend to overbook ourselves and we wind up not feeling rested or relaxed at all. My suggestion for this New Moon is to slow down. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been feeling a little disconnected lately, from my craft, from the earth, and from a lot of the things I enjoy. So here is how I intend to reconnect with patience and quiet on Monday.

Since I’m lucky enough to have Memorial Day off of work, I’ll be spending the majority of the day with friends, but once I’ve returned home, I want to gather some materials at my work space and cleanse it. Namely Bay Leaves, my cauldron, a lighter, a marker, a piece of paper, salt for cleansing, Lavender for calm, peace, and to represent Gemini, Chamomile for abundance and health, Calendula petals for joy and stability, Clover Honey for a lasting effect and sweetening stressful situations, and a chime candle. I’ll also be grabbing Rose Quartz (which I’ve been drawn to lately) for universal love, Clear Quartz for clarity and grounding, and Blue Lace Agate to calm stress and anxiety.

Once all my items are gathered, I will ground myself by setting out my stones, then making a list of frustrations I face regularly that are out of my control. As I write them, I will envision the frustration leaving me through the ink. I’ll fold the list up and set it aside, and bring forward the herbs, honey, and chime candle. First I’ll carve the word patience into the side of the candle with my thumbnail. That’s what we’re creating here, a sense of peace and living slow. Next I’ll put a thin layer of honey on the outside of the candle. A little goes a long way, so don’t feel like you need to slather it on. Then I’ll sprinkle the herbs over the candle. I usually work over a small plate to avoid large spills. This also helps if the herbs have trouble sticking, you can roll the candle on the plate to help adhere more onto it until you’re satisfied.

When you’re ready, light your chime candle. Allow it’s light and warmth to roll over you, before lighting your list of daily frustrations and letting it burn in your cauldron. Remember, guys, fire safety is incredibly important. Use common sense! As the candle and my frustrations burn, I am going to meditate on the path I want to walk and the patience required to do so. If I find a few revelations during the meditation I will journal them. If not I will probably do a tarot reading or scry in my mirror for clarity.

And there you have it! A quiet easy way to add a little peace to your life. Slow down and breathe. Tomorrow will come, today will leave, and the small things, while inconvenient, are only that; small. I love you, my darlings! I hope you enjoy the long weekend if you’re able, and don’t push yourselves too hard.

By the Light of the Moon

Hello, hello! I was on a much needed vacation last week and forgot to post our tuesday blog, but fear not! We’re back with another celestial body of the tarot, my darlings! Last time, we took a look at The Star and the hope and trust it brings. This week, we’ll be looking at The Moon. Beautiful, powerful, and ever changing, the moon has a large influence on our specific rock, helping move the tides, and connect to our feminine power. In the tarot, however, she has a slightly different presence.

Upright, The Moon still wants us to connect to our divine feminine energy and bring our deep intuitive insights to the surface, but she represents the fears and illusions that we project into our present based on the past experiences we’ve had. If we’ve suppressed an emotional or painful memory into our subconscious, the Moon card is appearing to show us that these anxieties are illusions. If you find you’re feeling uncertain about a situation, keep in mind that right now, nothing is as it seems. Refrain from making hasty decisions. You only have a fraction of the information you need, and impulsive action will almost certainly lead to regret. Instead, take some time to pay attention to the lunar cycles. Harness their energy to help you gain clarity in the intentions you set on New Moon, and identifying what needs to be released at the Full Moon. In this way, you’ll clear the fog and allow yourself to truly shine.

Reversed, The Moon speaks to an inner confusion or an active repression of emotions. You may not feel ready to face these emotions and are pretending nothing is wrong. While this method can get you through the day, know that those feelings are not gone. They will find their way to the surface and only muddy your emotional and intuitive waters. Face them head on so that you can clearly understand whatever messages are coming to you. If someone else’s words are ringing in your head and causing distrust in your own mind or intuition, remember that your inner voice knows the answers that you need to move forward. Listen to your gut feelings, your dreams, and any sudden unprompted thoughts for signs of where to step next. At its best, the reversed Moon can mean that you have been dealing with anxieties, and now the fear and negative influences are ebbing away. You are working through them and understanding the impact they have on your beliefs and day to day life. If this resonates, know that you are experiencing something deeply liberating in recognizing and removing the power these have over you.

All of us fall victim to our fear and anxiety from time to time, but remember that, while they are there to protect you, fear and anxiety are not good judges of circumstance. If we reassure them that we appreciate their input, but have the situation under control, it can make a big difference in our ability to let go of intrusive, paralyzing thoughts. It may also lead us into shadow work with our inner child, who holds onto the memories that form our emotional foundations. Taking the time to react appropriately to the little one inside of each of us, to be the person that we each needed in whatever moment that child is holding onto, is a step towards healing and even breaking generational cycles. Hard work, true, my darlings, but each of us deserve to be free of the shackles of others; of ourselves.

The Super Blood Full Flower Moon’s Lunar Eclipse

Hello, hello, my darlings, and happy Friday the 13th! What an exciting Full Moon we have this month! Just after midnight on the 16th, we will see the Flower Moon (also known as the Budding or Planting Moon) in the sign of Scorpio. It will be both a Super Moon and a Blood Moon, meaning that it will appear very large as it is the closest that it passes to Earth, and due to its proximity, it will appear to be a deep red or orange in color. This change in hue is because of how the light from the Sun passes through the Earth’s atmosphere before it hits the moon. In addition to all of that, there will also be a Lunar Eclipse! Not to mention that Jupiter is going to be at zero degrees of Aries, meaning that it will be in a powerful position to bring new opportunities and fortuitous potential.

So what does all of this mean when we put it together? Let’s start with the Flower Moon. May’s full moon is a spiritual reminder of the fact that, yes, the flowers are in bloom now, but also that they started as a tiny seed. They broke out of their shell, the only space they’ve ever known, and that level of change is rarely easy. The Flower Moon is about transformation and shedding the old to make room for new possibilities and growth. Now take that energy and put it into the powerful, emotional, fixed water sign of Scorpio; the sign that is most associated with transformation. Ruled by Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, Scorpio will bring to the front lines any issues with secrecy, manipulation, or control and force us to face the heart of it all so that we can free ourselves of our long held emotional baggage to make room for the new growth coming. And put your game face on, because Scorpio, like it’s ruler Pluto, is unafraid of taboo topics or our darkest secrets. If you have some skeletons in your closet or inner demons you’ve locked away, know that facing them may be unpleasant or even painful, but will ultimately relieve you of the hold they have over you.

This same Full Moon will be a Blood Moon, which scientifically is about light travelling through our atmosphere, but what about spiritually? What influence will this bring to the big transformational energy in our secret dark places? In the witching world, the Blood Moon portends a time when the path to our shadow side is opened allowing us a greater access to rage, shame and grief. Normally seen as “bad” emotions, it’s important to remember that if we meet these feelings without judgement, they simply are. Embracing these emotions is an important part of the healing process. Think of it as two feet. One is your good foot, the strong foot. The other is your bad foot, maybe with a weak ankle. You can only stand firmly planted and resolute when both feet are exercised, stretched, and cared for. The positive or negative effects only come from how we exercise these emotions and how we allow them to manifest in our lives.

There is so much work already in this full moon, but we’re only partway through. It will also be a Super Moon! Spiritually, this means that the energies and effects of this full moon will be intensified since the moon is as close to the Earth as it ever passes. It will be an emotional and powerful time for all of us. If you’ve been wrestling over a big decision, whether it’s quitting a job, professing your feelings to someone, or ending a relationship, you are going to feel incredibly strongly one way or another. Don’t forget about little old Mercury in retrograde, though. It’s waiting in the wings to stir up trouble with communication, so wait until these big emotions have passed before making any large decisions. Now is not the time to act impulsively or speak harsh words. Instead, allow the truth of your emotions to circuit through you without taking control of your actions. Meet them, and yourself, without judgement.

Finally, there will be a Lunar Eclipse during this Full Moon. Full moons are normally about cleansing and release, but when there is a Lunar Eclipse, this becomes an invitation to close doors, end chapters, and tie up loose ends, or even cut ties all together. There is a finality in the release of a Lunar Eclipse. As I like to say, “I don’t bring building materials to a bridge burning.” Whatever we release on Sunday night/Monday morning, know that it will be gone, and for your betterment.

While a lot of this post so far has sounded really ominous and difficult, I hope you can find solace in a lovely little planet that is in the mix called Jupiter. Jupiter, the planet of luck, fortune, opportunity, and possibility, is going to be at zero degrees of Aries. Gibberish, I know, but let’s break this down into its parts. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It is the beginning of the zodiac year, and it brings passion, enthusiasm, ambition, fire, and action. The zero degree mark is the VERY BEGINNING of Aries. It is the point at which exciting new journeys begin, where slates are wiped clean, and it is bursting at the seams with potential. So, as this full moon is large, red, and looming with transformative energies, the planet of luck and fortune will be starting its own path through Aries. A path laden with opportunity and ambition. So know that while we are permanently and firmly closing doors, Jupiter will be opening more to places that align with our core, our most authentic selves. Personally, I find a beautiful galactic harmony in this. Every end has to be the beginning of something else.

So nutshell; cause I’m long winded and I know things get lost between the lines. The Super Blood Full Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse is going to be an incredibly powerful emotional palate cleanser. It will allow us to shed our old skin, like the snake, so that Jupiter and Aries may allow us to rise up from the ashes of the past like a phoenix; both Scorpio’s animal representatives. Death and rebirth. Mercury’s retrograde may rock the boat a bit, but ultimately what we leave behind didn’t serve us. Now we make space for what will.

I would like to say that if you do want to take on shadow work, it can be very liberating, but make sure that you are in a safe place. If you aren’t sure what you’re doing, trying setting up an appointment with a therapist. Doing shadow work with a guide is much better than facing it alone, and in my opinion, therapy is exactly that; digging into your dark places to help let go of old traumas and allow you to move forward without them. If sharing this part of yourself with another person feels too vulnerable, make sure you are giving yourself the grace and space to explore with love and acceptance of yourself.

I know that normally I give you a step by step of the best way to harness these energies, but this is a deeply personal cosmic cocktail in the making, so let me just say this. Eclipses bring a lot of upheaval and chaotic energy. I would not suggest choosing to let go of something or someone in particular. Instead I would suggest that you remain open to whatever the universe has to offer you. I will actually be on vacation (wish me luck with Mercury also causing transportation problems!) and intend to spend time probing my shadow side through journaling and meditating with grounding crystals close at hand, Selenite for cleansing, Green Moss Agate and Fluorite for grounding and connecting with the earth, and Amethyst to channel my intuition. Sage and Rosemary are great staple herbs to burn for any ritual, but I would steer clear of attempting to manifest any particular future. Trust the wisdom and abundance of the Universe, my darlings. Stay open to change, allow it to flow through you like a cool breeze off the ocean waves.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Hello, hello my darlings! Welcome back to Tarot Tuesday, our weekly deep dive into the original tarot meanings. Today’s card is a nice reprieve from last week when we spoke of the chaos surrounding the Tower. Today, we’re going to look at The Star. This card is rather straightforward so hopefully we can keep this short and sweet.

Upright, the Star is a sign of hope. You’ve gone through some form of upheaval and the Star wants to remind you of the interconnectedness and abundance of the Universe. This is a reprieve; a peaceful phase where you will find mental stability and a connected understanding of yourself and those around you. Anything is possible during this time, so tune in to the magic that moves through your every day. You might find yourself wanting to dream or rediscover a sense of inspiration or purpose in your life. Be open to new ideas and listen to the calm voice within you that you may give back to the community or world around you. Be generous with your blessings.

You’ll be unsurprised, I think, to then learn that the Star reversed means you’ve lost faith in the Universe. You’re feeling overwhelmed and disconnected as you struggle to see that the tests you face are for your benefit. They will push against your resolve and trust in the universe. You can either give in to the despair, or you can adamantly trust that the hum of divine energy is hard at work for you, through you. This reversal can also represent a lack of enthusiasm for a project that you once had burning passion for. Take time to reconnect to what is important to you and why you are started down this path. If the routine of this journey is taking a dull and dreary toll on you, take time out of your day for self-care on a personal and spiritual level before you push yourself even further into burn out.

Either way the Star appears, tune in to your intentions and find your connection to the divine spark that drives each of us toward our soul’s purpose. Trust in the universe. Trust in yourself. Finding your purpose will bring a sense of renewal and contentment here, my darlings. Stay aligned with your original goal and stand strong in the face of adversity.

Rebuilding the Tower

Well, my darlings, we’ve talked about a good many cards that sound daunting and in fact are not. Today we break that streak. Today we talk about The Tower. It doesn’t even really sound scary. It almost sounds safe if taken at face value. A tower; tall, removed, defensible. In the world of tarot, though, it means much the opposite. Where you once were safe and comfortable is going to fall, or is currently falling apart.

Upright, it brings energy of upheaval, destruction, and massive change. Whatever is coming is inescapable and will shake you to the core of your being. You’ll be wracked spiritually, mentally, and physically. You aren’t sure what’s true and what’s not anymore, or even who you can and can’t rely on. As devastating as this razing of your beliefs is, keep in mind that things must fall apart for other better things to fall together. It won’t be easy. And perhaps it hasn’t quite started crumbling yet, but the foundation is cracking. If you let things fall away, it will allow space to rebuild and growth in ways you were unable before. Try to see this as a way to break free and allow your soul to evolve. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t grieve the past. Change is scary, and sometimes this can feel like it was such a deep cut that you could never recover. Take each day one step at a time, and you will find the way forward; the way that leads you to your Highest Good.

Reversed, has a similar meaning, but with one very important distinction. The Tower’s reversal points to the fact that you are the one instigating the change. You are calling your foundational beliefs and morals into question and could even be seeing the truth of a situation, but ignoring it. Resisting this level of change won’t make it go away. It will just get louder and more chaotic until you allow the change to come. At its best, this may be a forewarning. If you’re in touch with your intuition and have been sensing change on the horizon, it can be in your reading to let you plan ahead to lessen the impact of the chaos that is on its way.

Change comes in many forms, from the turning of the seasons in the Wheel, to unpredictable sucker punches that knock the wind from our lungs and leave us gasping for reprieve. Know that when the Tower comes, it comes with good intention and an unflappable fire. From destruction we create, and when your slate is wiped clean is when it is easiest to make something entirely new. Trying to see the positive at work is hard in these times, but do your best to remember that it is happening FOR you, my darlings. Not TO you.