The Super Blood Full Flower Moon’s Lunar Eclipse

Hello, hello, my darlings, and happy Friday the 13th! What an exciting Full Moon we have this month! Just after midnight on the 16th, we will see the Flower Moon (also known as the Budding or Planting Moon) in the sign of Scorpio. It will be both a Super Moon and a Blood Moon, meaning that it will appear very large as it is the closest that it passes to Earth, and due to its proximity, it will appear to be a deep red or orange in color. This change in hue is because of how the light from the Sun passes through the Earth’s atmosphere before it hits the moon. In addition to all of that, there will also be a Lunar Eclipse! Not to mention that Jupiter is going to be at zero degrees of Aries, meaning that it will be in a powerful position to bring new opportunities and fortuitous potential.

So what does all of this mean when we put it together? Let’s start with the Flower Moon. May’s full moon is a spiritual reminder of the fact that, yes, the flowers are in bloom now, but also that they started as a tiny seed. They broke out of their shell, the only space they’ve ever known, and that level of change is rarely easy. The Flower Moon is about transformation and shedding the old to make room for new possibilities and growth. Now take that energy and put it into the powerful, emotional, fixed water sign of Scorpio; the sign that is most associated with transformation. Ruled by Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, Scorpio will bring to the front lines any issues with secrecy, manipulation, or control and force us to face the heart of it all so that we can free ourselves of our long held emotional baggage to make room for the new growth coming. And put your game face on, because Scorpio, like it’s ruler Pluto, is unafraid of taboo topics or our darkest secrets. If you have some skeletons in your closet or inner demons you’ve locked away, know that facing them may be unpleasant or even painful, but will ultimately relieve you of the hold they have over you.

This same Full Moon will be a Blood Moon, which scientifically is about light travelling through our atmosphere, but what about spiritually? What influence will this bring to the big transformational energy in our secret dark places? In the witching world, the Blood Moon portends a time when the path to our shadow side is opened allowing us a greater access to rage, shame and grief. Normally seen as “bad” emotions, it’s important to remember that if we meet these feelings without judgement, they simply are. Embracing these emotions is an important part of the healing process. Think of it as two feet. One is your good foot, the strong foot. The other is your bad foot, maybe with a weak ankle. You can only stand firmly planted and resolute when both feet are exercised, stretched, and cared for. The positive or negative effects only come from how we exercise these emotions and how we allow them to manifest in our lives.

There is so much work already in this full moon, but we’re only partway through. It will also be a Super Moon! Spiritually, this means that the energies and effects of this full moon will be intensified since the moon is as close to the Earth as it ever passes. It will be an emotional and powerful time for all of us. If you’ve been wrestling over a big decision, whether it’s quitting a job, professing your feelings to someone, or ending a relationship, you are going to feel incredibly strongly one way or another. Don’t forget about little old Mercury in retrograde, though. It’s waiting in the wings to stir up trouble with communication, so wait until these big emotions have passed before making any large decisions. Now is not the time to act impulsively or speak harsh words. Instead, allow the truth of your emotions to circuit through you without taking control of your actions. Meet them, and yourself, without judgement.

Finally, there will be a Lunar Eclipse during this Full Moon. Full moons are normally about cleansing and release, but when there is a Lunar Eclipse, this becomes an invitation to close doors, end chapters, and tie up loose ends, or even cut ties all together. There is a finality in the release of a Lunar Eclipse. As I like to say, “I don’t bring building materials to a bridge burning.” Whatever we release on Sunday night/Monday morning, know that it will be gone, and for your betterment.

While a lot of this post so far has sounded really ominous and difficult, I hope you can find solace in a lovely little planet that is in the mix called Jupiter. Jupiter, the planet of luck, fortune, opportunity, and possibility, is going to be at zero degrees of Aries. Gibberish, I know, but let’s break this down into its parts. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It is the beginning of the zodiac year, and it brings passion, enthusiasm, ambition, fire, and action. The zero degree mark is the VERY BEGINNING of Aries. It is the point at which exciting new journeys begin, where slates are wiped clean, and it is bursting at the seams with potential. So, as this full moon is large, red, and looming with transformative energies, the planet of luck and fortune will be starting its own path through Aries. A path laden with opportunity and ambition. So know that while we are permanently and firmly closing doors, Jupiter will be opening more to places that align with our core, our most authentic selves. Personally, I find a beautiful galactic harmony in this. Every end has to be the beginning of something else.

So nutshell; cause I’m long winded and I know things get lost between the lines. The Super Blood Full Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse is going to be an incredibly powerful emotional palate cleanser. It will allow us to shed our old skin, like the snake, so that Jupiter and Aries may allow us to rise up from the ashes of the past like a phoenix; both Scorpio’s animal representatives. Death and rebirth. Mercury’s retrograde may rock the boat a bit, but ultimately what we leave behind didn’t serve us. Now we make space for what will.

I would like to say that if you do want to take on shadow work, it can be very liberating, but make sure that you are in a safe place. If you aren’t sure what you’re doing, trying setting up an appointment with a therapist. Doing shadow work with a guide is much better than facing it alone, and in my opinion, therapy is exactly that; digging into your dark places to help let go of old traumas and allow you to move forward without them. If sharing this part of yourself with another person feels too vulnerable, make sure you are giving yourself the grace and space to explore with love and acceptance of yourself.

I know that normally I give you a step by step of the best way to harness these energies, but this is a deeply personal cosmic cocktail in the making, so let me just say this. Eclipses bring a lot of upheaval and chaotic energy. I would not suggest choosing to let go of something or someone in particular. Instead I would suggest that you remain open to whatever the universe has to offer you. I will actually be on vacation (wish me luck with Mercury also causing transportation problems!) and intend to spend time probing my shadow side through journaling and meditating with grounding crystals close at hand, Selenite for cleansing, Green Moss Agate and Fluorite for grounding and connecting with the earth, and Amethyst to channel my intuition. Sage and Rosemary are great staple herbs to burn for any ritual, but I would steer clear of attempting to manifest any particular future. Trust the wisdom and abundance of the Universe, my darlings. Stay open to change, allow it to flow through you like a cool breeze off the ocean waves.

April’s Pink Moon Is Going Super Saiyan

It’s that time again, my darlings. The wheel continues to turn and we find ourselves preparing for the fourth full moon of this year; the Pink Moon. It’s also known as the Hare Moon or the Egg Moon. Sound familiar? If you were raised in the Christian beliefs, you would be right in thinking that this is yet another pagan celebration that was hijacked by the Catholic church during the Barbarian conversions. There is a lot of mythology and lore that is interwoven magnificently around Easter and the Pink Moon, but I don’t want to get into that too much this month. If you’re interested, I would suggest researching the Germanic goddess Eostre.

I want to focus instead on the sky and the earth, this month. The Pink Moon is about attaining fullness. It falls during Aries season, and the adventurous spirit of this fire sign is coming through to set us after our ambitions. The energy in the air is restless and ready to be utilized! One of the best parts of this year’s Pink Moon is that it is going to be in the air sign of Libra, the scales, who will bring balance to this restless energy. Aries and Libra are a wonderful system of checks and balances. Where an unchecked passionate Aries can burn recklessly, the cool intellect of Libra will stall the flames and help focus our energy toward our goals. Together they blaze a beautiful trail.

This gorgeous pairing of signs around the Pink Moon is the perfect time to reflect on the obstacles or fears stalling our progress and adapt to the situations at hand so that we may overcome and even transcend this level of internal or external struggle. Now is a time to let love flow around you and release the very human need to cling tightly to the familiar. This kind of trust can open the door to a lot of discomfort and fear. That’s okay. Let that fear in. Sit with it. It is there to try to protect you, and it learned to be fearful from the past. Reassure it that everything is going to be fine. The universe has your back, and always has. Attune with your intuition and meet that fear with love until it tires itself out.

That is an act much easier said than done, of course. We’re human after all. But let me toss a few more cosmic movements into this mixture to see if we can persuade your fears to relax. So we’ve got ambition, and the intellect to focus it, as well as the moon’s transcendent energy. Already a lovely combination, but what if we saw Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, potential, and luck, meet up with Neptune, the planet of the unconscious, evolutions, and imagination for the first time in roughly 150 years? Furthermore, what if we saw them align in Neptune’s home sign of Pisces; ruler of dreams, intuition, and emotional awareness? And, to help focus that wild combination of intuitive luck and imagination, what if Venus, the ruler of Libra, showed up to bring love, beauty, and compassion to the equation?

I know. That’s a lot of information. It can get a little muddy sometimes, so let me try to nutshell all of this as best as I can. Today, on April 12th, the fortune and potential of Jupiter aligned with the evolutionary imagination of Neptune. That evolutionary energy is being emphasized since Neptune is in its home sign of Pisces. These two together, evolution and luck, are going to be with us for the Pink Moon on April 16th. The same Pink Moon that is overflowing with the energy of Becoming, wholeness, and adaptation. The same Pink Moon that is driven by the fiery ambition of Aries season towards our desires, and whose energy is being focused by arriving in the clear intellect of the fair and balanced air sign of Libra.

This Full Moon is about Becoming with a capital B! It is about preparing for the next New Moon. It is begging us to Let. Go. Let go of the fears that keep us stagnant. Let go of the what ifs and anxiety that keep us from opening to opportunities. Because, before the month is out, Jupiter and Neptune will be joined by Venus’ compassion in Pisces just in time for the New Moon. These three are an incredibly powerful manifesting trio, and Venus’ added energy will be leveling up all of our interpersonal relationships. Luck, evolution, and compassionate love coming together. Now is the time to be courageous. Reflect on your big picture, adapt and trust in the world around you, and in that flow you will transcend what you currently perceive to be an obstacle, and see it for what it really is. A stepping stone towards the point where your fortune, love, and evolution meet.

I think the key to harnessing this collective energy under the Pink Moon on Saturday is going to rely a lot on balance. It will require the balance of your gut with your mind. Emotions and intellect must be kept in check of one another. Where Libra sits and ponders over a situation, Aries will light a fire under them to keep moving. Some really good balancing stones to incorporate in your Full Moon ritual this month will be Rhodonite and Unakite.

Rhodonite is a self-esteem and self-image booster, as well as helping open us to the world of possibilities. It can help us look closer at ourselves, and helps enhance our relationships with our self, friends, business, and romantic interests. Unakite is a heart healer. It recalibrates our frequency to resonate with love and compassion while balancing the emotions in the body, such as fear and anxiety. If you’ve ever heard someone say feel your feelings, that’s what they mean. The tightness in the chest or shoulders, the knotted forehead muscles. Unakite will help recalibrate the way we interact physically with our emotions. Letting love flow into the spaces where fear lives can help us let go of the stagnation that makes us feel safe in familiarity. Contrary to the old adage, the devil you know is not actually better than the devil you don’t.

This is already a very lengthy post, so I won’t be going into a step by step for the Pink Moon. My ritual this month is fairly personal and will incorporate a lot of shadow work anyway, so I want to leave you with a few questions to help you fill the corners of your heart and mind with the trusting love of the universe, and a prayer. What gives you vitality and energy? What could you lose if you incorporated this into your life more? What could change? What stops you from tending to the needs of your spirit’s flame? Where does this stem from?

I bask in the fullness of the Pink Moon. As the grasses reach for the sky, I too yearn for growth. I acknowledge the traumas that have marred my spirit. I release the pains that weigh on my heart and mind. I meet my shadows with love. I am open to change and love in all forms. I look to nature for examples of how to relinquish worry and embrace the joy of living in the present. I trust in the abundance and perfect love of the universe. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is. Blessed be.

Note: shadow work is absolutely not for everyone. However, if you find some of these questions touch parts of your mind or heart that scare you, and you feel ready for change, I would encourage you to journal a little on these thoughts, my darlings. Examination of ourselves is the best way to prune away that which doesn’t serve us any longer, in my opinion. And I for one am very ready to remove what’s holding me back from my love filled, evolutionary potential. Blessed be!

Oh no! Mercury! It’s broken!

No worries, my darlings! Mercury may appear to be moving backward, but it will return to its regularly scheduled orbit today! Everyone talks about Mercurial retrograde with trepidation and fear, but really, retrogrades of any planet are the perfect time to pause and do some introspection. Mercury just happens to go retrograde more often than the other planets in our solar system. Specifically it will do so four times this year, and give us a sense of getting our wires crossed or running into confrontational delays for a few weeks. This particular retrograde occurred alongside the Venus retrograde that ended on the 29th, and the next will occur from May 10th until June 2nd; right before Saturn goes retrograde on June 4th. But we’ll talk about Saturn another time. 

Coupled with the Venus retrograde that just ended, this particular Mercurial retrograde started in innovative, Aquarius and shifted into Capricorn on January 25th. It had us scrutinizing the relationships we keep and those that are nothing but glitches and miscommunications. You may have felt like it was time to do some emotional housekeeping. Where we laid new plans for our personal relationships and wealth from Venus’ retrograde, this Mercury retrograde had us looking closely at the situations, people, and behavioral patterns that we allowed into our day to day. Now that Mercury has gone direct again you probably have a clear idea of who or what you want to stay in your life, and that which you want to remove. 

Perhaps you needed this period of introspection to remember that you do not always need to be accessible. In the technological age, we are always on our phones. Texts, emails, phone calls, we are constantly available to others. It’s okay to be inaccessible! Especially when chances for miscommunication are high! Did you take some time to disconnect and look inward? Were you patient and clear with your words during this time when you did communicate? Did you give yourself grace when you realized that you weren’t clear on your own intentions and thus couldn’t convey them properly? 

This dual retrograde was the perfect time to slow down and look inward, focus on what you need and want for yourself from those around you so that you can move forward confidently as the planets appear to do. If you weren’t able to stay patient and compassionate, maybe take a moment to reach out to those you snapped at and apologize for your actions so you can clear the slate and start fresh! Everyone deserves a little grace, my darlings. Breathe deep and remember to give it to yourself as much as you offer it to others.