Four of Pentacles

Hello hello, my darlings! I hope the shift in weather finds you well and ready to tuck in and rest this winter. As promised, this week we move on to the Four of Pentacles. Fours in numerology generally represent stability and structure, and this four follows through on that line of thinking in regard to our financial and physical well being.

Upright, the Four of Pentacles points you toward your relationship with money. While it can mean that you’ve created wealth and abundance by staying focused on your long term goals, it is sometimes accompanied by a scarcity mindset. You’re on the road to success, but this is a gentle reminder to make sure you are maintaining balance while you work towards the finish line. You’re allowed to enjoy your wealth and still remain conservative. If you have trouble spending on yourself, take a look at how much importance you are placing in material possessions and financial wealth. It’s important to respect money and wealth, but don’t become so attached that you lose sight of your life as it is. Otherwise your friends and family could wind up feeling slighted by your financial goals. Splurging on yourself and today’s joy can feel like a threat to your safety, but this can also denote a need to control your life in more ways than one. Assess your current relationship with your finances and make sure you’re honoring the importance of monetary wealth without giving up emotional and psychological wealth.

On the flip side, the reversed Four of Pentacles appears when your relationship with money is far out of balance. This can look like overspending in an attempt to seek out love and happiness, or perhaps that your love for money has evolved into greed. Your desire for security and certainty is only increasing the chaotic state of the world around you. It’s time to re-evaluate your priorities when it comes to wealth. Your attempts to protect yourself are doing more harm than good. Money is slipping through your fingers and leaving you grasping thin air. Ground yourself and remember what you have control over; yourself and your actions.

Scarcity mindsets and splurging tend to beget one another, and in the world we live, it can be difficult to find balance when so many of us are just struggling to make ends meet. Keep breathing, my darlings! You are capable of balancing basic survival and indulgence. I believe in you!

It Takes All Kinds

Fifteen days later, my darlings, and I return with apologies and the Three of Pentacles! Let me atone for this by charging ahead instead of blathering on.

Upright, the Three of Pentacles comes to us as a sign to value diversity in projects. It’s time to collaborate and learn from others who have different experiences from ourselves. It reminds us too, that every project succeeds when we prepare properly. We are competent at what we do, and it is encouraging us to continue on this path. Organization of resources and time management are the foundation we’re looking for whether with a home renovation or an important task in our careers. Having a comprehensive plan and a realistic schedule will pay off. Do your research and build a structured plan to move forward.

The reversal, then, speaks to the butting of heads between team members. Someone is not being heard or valued properly and is causing an upheaval that might mean timelines need to be adjusted. If one member’s timeline doesn’t mesh with the rest of the group, make sure you’re hearing their concerns. You may even need to pause progress temporarily to assess the next steps with every teammate’s concerns and needs in mind. Make sure that the expectations are clear cut, especially around respect. This reversal could also mean that you are the one feeling undervalued and overlooked, or perhaps you’re trying to get the job done by yourself. You’re putting in the hard work, but your experience is consistently unappreciated or others are holding up your progress. It may be time to look into making a change in your professional life. However, if you insist on going this project alone, remember that if you find yourself drowning, you can still ask for help!

Being flexible is the key when it comes to this card, whether you’re starting a project or rerouting it. Don’t underestimate how much a good plan and an open mind can nurture success, my darlings! I’ll see you next week (I promise).