Fives are Discordant

Well, I fell off the train again, my darlings. But! The important part is that we get up and keep going again, right? So here we are with the Five of Pentacles a few weeks later. But the intent is what matters, in my opinion. So, onward!

Numerically, the number five generally means discord or conflict, and this five is no different. Upright, the Five of Pentacles highlights a lack mindset. You’ve fallen on hard times where your career or finances are concerned. Remembering that this time of hardship is temporary is key, or you may find yourself sabotaging your ability to create abundance. Take time to focus on what you have, even if it feels small. Gratitude can help you move through this already short period even faster. If you focus your energy on what you don’t have, you will continue to see only what you lack.

The reversal is a bit more forgiving, and shows that you are coming to the end of your trails, especially if you have recently taken a large financial hit or have experienced job loss. Perhaps someone has offered to help you out while you’re getting your feet back under you, or you’ve found a new source of income, or even a new job. Regardless, it shows the light at the end of the tunnel is within reach. Keep going, and be grateful for those around you.

Remember, Pentacles represent our domestic, physical, and financial life, and it is not a sign of weakness to need help in any of these areas. We all need support at one time or another. The most important part is to get back up and keep. On. Going. We are in a constant state of growth and change, as is the world around us. While change is very seldom comfortable, it is beautiful and necessary. Keep going, my darlings. You’re doing great!

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