The World is Your Oyster

Hello, hello, my darlings! What a journey we’ve been on together, making our way through the Major Arcana of the tarot. I’ll be taking a break from Tarot Tuesday while I sort out how to best attack the Minor Arcana; Pentacles, Wands, Swords, and Cups. Hopefully it won’t be too long of a break, and I intend to keep writing about our new moon and full moon movements in the interim. Now if you remember way back in January when I posted the first of these, we looked at The Fool, the beginning of a journey. Today we look at the twenty-first and final card of the Major Arcana; The World, completion and accomplishment.

Upright, The World is a sign that you are reveling in a sense of closure and fulfillment. Everything has come together despite the obstacles, and you are in the right place, doing the right thing, achieving what you set out to. You’ve worked HARD to get to this point. You’ve had trials and triumphs, and this card is asking you to bask in the joy and glow of having brought your goals to life! Celebrate your success and don’t rush into the next big project just yet. Enjoy it. Look at how far you’ve come, how much you’ve grown, and everything you’ve learned! If this doesn’t resonate, or you feel there are still loose ends to tie up, do so. Then you will be able to relax and beam over what you’ve created. If it still doesn’t ring true, try widening your scope. The World can very literally refer to travel or global understanding. Maybe now is the time to find a new appreciation for cultures from around the world.

When the World arrives reversed, it can represent your wanting to complete a big goal, but you’re taking short cuts to get there. If you don’t take all the necessary steps, the outcome will not go as planned. Or perhaps you’re right at the finish line of your journey, but for whatever reason you have lost focus and are dawdling instead of doing the work needed to bring this idea to the end of the road. Take some time to reconnect with why you started this project in the first place. Remember how much you wanted this thing to come into being, then get yourself to the finish line. Of course these delays could be external as well. You could be missing an integral part of the project or perhaps you’re looking for closure on a personal issue. Take the time to recognize if there are other parts holding you back that need to be let go of or creatively redesigned. Don’t be afraid to set a new goal if need be. As long as you stay committed to making the progress, you will get there.

If the Fool was about beginnings, The World is about endings. It’s not uncommon to see the two together in a reading, as every end is also a new beginning. Just remember to take some time to appreciate where you are, where you were, and how far you’ve come. Thank you for sticking with me through this first journey! I’ll see you all at some undefined point in the future, my darlings!

Indulge Under the Super Strawberry Moon

Hello, hello, my darlings! I’m cutting it close with this one, but hopefully it will still be helpful. Tomorrow, June 14th, we will see the Super Strawberry Full Moon! Last month we had the Super Flower Full Moon (among many other interesting lunar movements), so hopefully you remember that Super means that the moon is passing closer to the earth giving it a much larger place in the sky! It also denotes an increase in the effect that this celestial body has on the planet, and thereby, us.

June’s Full Moon, the Strawberry moon, brings us closer to our fulfillment in life. We’re reminded of all of the decadent and joyful moments that we sometimes race by on our way to the finish line. In Europe, this is referred to as the Rose Moon in some places, as all the roses are currently in bloom. In other parts it’s called the Honey Moon; fitting as June used to be the season for weddings. After the Beltane celebration, many young lovers would commit and be in the throes of “the honey moon phase”.

Now is the time to allow yourself space to slow down and drink in each moment. The Strawberry Moon represents optimism, wonder, magic, openness, and pleasure. It can also be associated with tenacity and grit. With Litha, or the Summer Solstice, a mere handful of days away, now is the time that we’re saying goodbye to Spring and hello to Summer! Halfway through the Gregorian calendar, we can reflect now on the goals we set way back during Imbolc. How have we kept to those goals? How have those goals changed, if at all? Have we achieved any of those goals? How have we approached the obstacles that hindered our progress? Have we let surprises crop up and slow our progress?

This is what I will be focusing on tomorrow. I plan to journal out my answers to these questions and hopefully cut away the thorns that have been ensnaring me. Full moons are about release, remember. Let go of that which holds us back from our Highest Good. I also want to find some ways that I can slow down and incorporate my favorite things into my daily life or practice. Last year I dried rose petals and handed them out to loved ones. This year I may go berry picking and even attempt to bake something rich and succulent with what I’m able to forage! Or I could simply spend more time in the sun. Whatever you choose to do, just remember to enjoy it and be present. One of my favorite quotes comes from Khalil Gibran. “Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the winds long to play with your hair.” Spend time enjoying your favorite things about early summer. Make a bonfire, have s’mores, enjoy yourself however feels right to you.

I’m stressing the pleasure aspect of this moon, I know, but I feel like we’re all in need of some self-care, especially because this Full Moon is in Sagittarius. The third fire sign of the zodiac year is independent and focused. They have a healthy relationship with pleasure, knowing how to dote on themselves. Their untamable spirit burns like a beacon, setting others ablaze with joy and inspiration. They are also ruled by Jupiter, the planet of good luck, growth, prosperity, healing, and opportunity. If you’ll remember, Jupiter recently started a brand new journey through Aries four weeks ago during the Super Blood Flower Moon Eclipse. Still a mouthful!

This is the way I want to come at summer. What sets you on fire? What lights you up inside? Bring that into your day to day, even if it’s only for a few minutes at a time. A friend recently recommended to me that I should read ten pages a day, as I had mentioned I struggled finding the time to read the many books I have added to my collection. “Ten pages?” I asked him, “What is ten pages going to accomplish?” He told me, “Even if you only read ten pages per day, you will have read 3,650 pages by the end of the year. That’s the equivalent of seven 500 page novels.” A little every day adds up, just like a savings account. So why not drop a few coins on your heart’s fire this summer? Perhaps you’ll blaze a new trail into a habit that brings you joy even in the winter months.

Now if you are wanting to take all these journaling prompts, like myself, and sit down in a sacred space to connect with the earth, your deities, ancestors, whatever, let’s talk about associations. As always, Full Moons are associated with Selenite, Clear Quartz, and Black Tourmaline. Sagittarius is associated with Lapis Lazuli, connecting us to our inner royalty, Blue Topaz, which helps the spirit relax as well as the body, and Turquoise, which can help instill an inner calm. Side note, it’s great for preventing panic attacks and helping to recover from depression and exhaustion.

Herb wise, Sagittarius is connected to Sage, which helps bring wisdom, good luck, and prosperity, and Saffron, or the Queen’s Spice, which connects us to our passionate and even seductive side. The Full Moon is associated with Mugwort, for inducing vivid dreams and awakening psychic gifts, as well as Star Anise to promote harmony. It’s also associated with Jasmine, which I usually leave out because Jasmine very specifically speaks to romance and manifesting prosperity in love, but the Honey Moon seems like a perfect time to sprinkle a little Jasmine in your cauldron and jzooj up the passion in the air. Sagittarius is also associated with independent animals such as the camel, able to sustain itself in the desert without a drink for days on end, and the wild horse, running free and exploring the open air. The Full Moon is associated with rabbits and moths. I also suggest drying some strawberry leaves and keeping them either on your altar or in your pocket as they draw good fortune and favorable circumstances!

Take some time to set up your space, and set an intention with any incense or candles you light. If you aren’t able to do that, perhaps just take a moment to focus on a stone, or even on a journal before delving into these prompts. My intention will be to practice being more consciously present. How can you let yourself play this summer? Being grateful for what you have while moving towards what you want helps me stay grounded. Letting myself break free of the anxiety of societal judgment feeds my spirit, personally. At Beltane, when I hung ribbons on my rose bush, I laid in the grass afterward just feeling the earth below me. I’m sure my neighbors thought I was nuts, but ignoring social standards allowed me to really connect. How can you find that connection daily? Do you believe you deserve to find that connection daily? Knowing how to dote on oneself and believing we deserve it are two separate tasks, in my opinion.

This look at our self-worth can be jarring or difficult. If you find yourself struggling to explore the joyous side of yourself, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone you trust for support. My coven knows that we are here for each other. If you don’t feel like you have someone, it may be worthwhile to find a counselor to help you navigate your feelings. You should know by now, I’m a big supporter of mental health!

When I’ve finished my journaling, I will meditate on what I’ve learned about myself, if anything, and chant this prayer I wrote several times:

Blooming Strawberry moon, shining bright above
Harbinger of luck and sweetness, prosperity and love
With your light to guide, my clarity grows
I trim the thorns, but leave the rose
I take delight in each leg of the journey
While present and grateful for all you bring to me
The path now smooth beneath my feet
Leads to the Truth of my heartbeat

When I feel my intention is good and solidified, I’ll finish with:

So mote it be. So mote it be. So mote it be. Blessed be.

Look for joy this summer, my darlings. Look for it in yourself, and in your surroundings. And let no one tell you that your happiness is disallowed. I’ll see you in a few days for my Litha/Summer Solstice post!

Impartial Judgement

Hello, hello, my darlings! I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for twenty weeks! Somehow this week we’ll be looking at our second to last card of the Major Arcana. Judgement sounds like an intimidating card, something we all strive to avoid. Judging and being judged is never fun, but this card speaks to an internal judgement, the judgement of ourselves.

Upright, Judgment can signify that you need to make a life-changing decision toward your Highest Good. The opportunity to level up on a cosmic level is at your doorstep. Now is the time to let go of your old self and embrace a higher level of conscious intuition and intellect. When you step into this new version of yourself, you’ll be able to put the past behind you and see the fully formed picture of your life story. Appreciate the struggles you’ve gone through and share them with others who may be facing similar trials. If you feel you are still facing one final obstacle before you can truly be free, try to find a group environment where you feel safe and can hear the stories of others. Their experiences may be what lead you to overcome your troubles and follow your inner calling.

Reversed, Judgement speaks to our inner critic and self-doubt. We hear the call, but we are ignoring it or are blinded by the struggles we have faced. You might be afraid of what you need to let go of to commit to the path before you, or your self-doubt may be saying you aren’t ready to take this step. Trust the universe, it’s sending you the signs that you ARE ready. Push past the fear and silence your inner critic. Try to view your anxieties as a separate entity. Hearing them out and thanking them for your input can do wonders for your mental health (even if you aren’t getting this card! Anxiety just wants to protect us, after all). Spending time in meditation this way can help you to recognize the different threads of your life that have been woven together so that you can reach this point. If you’re afraid that others will judge you for bringing some of these threads to light, remember that exposing them can help you identify how to change or avoid similar situations in the future. This will help you stay aligned with your Highest Good.

Fear rules over a large percentage of our lives. Every decision we make instinctually is based around the idea of survival. Judgement isn’t asking us to forgo common sense, but to trust that the Universe has our back when it places hindrances in front of us. We’re capable. We’ve overcome plenty of hurdles in our lives. We can make it through the next ones too. And that trust in ourselves, in the Universe, in the connectedness of all things, is what helps us move forward confidently and with intent. Fear can ride in the car, my darlings, but it cannot drive. Only you are allowed in the driver’s seat.

Brighter Than the Sun

Hello, hello my darlings! I’m a little late this week, but we’re slowly, surely approaching the end of the Major Arcana! Once that’s done, I may take a small break to compile the minor arcana in a bite size way that is easily digestible. But today, we take on Earth’s star; The Sun! Bright, warm light and life giver of our solar system! That which we all revolve around and depend upon. In the tarot, it is much the same!

Upright, The Sun arrives to portend success, radiance, and abundance. It’s beautiful warm energy is what will get you through tough times, and if you have indeed been experiencing tough times, the Sun is here to say things are about to get a LOT better! The Sun begs us to connect to the Solar Plexus chakra, the energy center between the stomach and the diaphragm. This is our driving power, not egotistical or selfish, but the radiant energy that connects all things that resides within each of us. In connecting to your authentic power, you will find yourself more present in the world around you, and can give an increase in physical energy, vitality, and general positivity. Each of us holds this light within. You need only access it to benefit from its invigorating enthusiasm.

The reversal of such a positive card brings to light an imbalance in our masculine energies. Perhaps you are working too hard and are feeling burnt out. Take the Sun reversed as an invite to set aside work and play with abandon. Spend some time with your inner child indulging in activities that bring you a bright radiant joy. It can also mean that you’ve encountered delays that have soured your optimism. If you feel depressed or no longer enjoy what you’re doing, don’t worry. The clouds are only temporary, and your path will become clear soon. On the other end of this imbalance, it may say that you are playing too much and are out of touch with how much you can actually achieve. Are you over committing yourself even though you know you can’t deliver? If you aren’t sure, put out some feelers to your trusted circle and get some input to help ground you back in reality. Confidence, like all things, is healthy in moderation.

Whether it’s upright or reversed, remember that the Sun is always a positive card. It wants us to connect to our joy, and while joy and happiness cannot stay forever, it makes the moments where we bask in their presence that much more significant. At least in my opinion. So bask, my darlings! Let your spirit be light and your heart open and wild!