Four of Wands

Hello hello, my darlings! Today we get to talk about an all-around positive card; the Four of Wands! Now fours generally stand for stability and alignment. In the suit of wands, that comes through in a spiritual way.

Upright, the Four of Wands shows up to tell you that it’s time to pause and celebrate what you’ve achieved up to this point. It can also represent a homecoming, or a return to people or places that are familiar to you. Generally, it is as a card of joyful celebration, bliss, and a mindful appreciation for the good things in life. Take a small break before embarking on the next part of your journey.

The reversal can still indicate celebration, but on a personal scale that you don’t feel compelled to share with others. You should definitely take the time to create your own reward for the hard work you’ve done to achieve this level of inner harmony and stability. If this doesn’t resonate, it may also denote a period of transition in which you feel out of balance, unsure on what or whom you can rely. This is an important transition, one that you need to make, but can leave you feeling uncertain about your future.

Whichever way this card arrives, take a break to celebrate your success or to assess your resources so you can move toward a stable future. The little things can make all the difference, my darlings. Take your time before driving forward.

Three of Wands

Hello hello, my darlings! Today’s focus will be the Three of Wands, which builds wonderfully off of the Two that we covered last week. Where the Two had us stopping to align ourselves with our authentic and vulnerable self, the Three says the game plan is well underway!

Upright, this card says that you are considering opportunities to expand your strategy and maximize the potential of your ideas. This could be through study, travel, or learning, and following these opportunities will stretch you beyond your comfort zone. Aligning with our Highest Authentic Self is a vulnerable task! Trust in your vision and be confident that you will achieve it. This card also brings the potential for travel, especially overseas or over a body of water. Be adventurous and go to unknown places to discover more about yourself and potentially explore international career opportunities.

Reversed, the Three of Wands says that, while growth and expansion beyond your comfort zone are available to you, you are playing small by closing yourself off from new opportunities and limiting your potential for success. There is disappointment, frustration and a general feeling that you’ve wasted your time by even starting on this path. External delays and obstacles have brought your operation to a halt, and you’re struggling to put your plans into action. Have you overcommitted yourself? Did you prepare adequately for this path and its challenges? Or were you unrealistic about the risks associated with your plans? If there are suddenly more steps than you anticipated, try breaking down your ideas into smaller tasks to make them more manageable.

Every path will have its challenges and setbacks. The important thing to remember is that, when they arise, the way we react to them will set the tone for how quickly they’ll be resolved. Staying calm and realistic about timelines and expectations will help maintain a positive outlook, even when delays come. Frustration will divert us from our goals, my darlings. Stay focused, take time to regroup if need be, and don’t be afraid to change tactic.

Two of Wands

Hello hello, my darlings! Today we’ll be looking into the Two of Wands. Usually the twos represent a choice or a sense of duality. Being a part of the Wands suit, this particular two speaks to decisions about spiritual growth and stepping outside our comfort zone.

Upright, the Two of Wands says you’re not ready to make your move, but establishing a clear plan will help get you there. Taking the next step will require you to make a choice between sticking with what you know or taking a risk. Once your plan is in place, you’ll be prepared to step outside of your comfort zone and discover the new meaningful experiences that you know the world has to offer you.

Reversed, this card asks that you look inwards and focus on your personal goals. Get in touch with what matters to you right now and connect with your dreams and ambitions. Once you know what you want, it is easier to see what adjustments need to be made to your path. Let your enthusiasm guide you. The reluctance to step outside of what you know into the unknown is telling you that your energy is unfocused, even if great potential is waiting.

It’s important that we remain focused on our goals, or the energy expended will be wasted as it fizzles out. This card can be a little difficult to tell the difference between fear of the unknown and being unprepared for the unknown. Make sure your intuition and your ambition are aligned before moving ahead, my darlings.