Seven of Wands

Hello hello, my darlings. We’re moving right along through the Wands. This week we’re looking at the Seven of Wands, a card of obstacles, perseverance, and exhaustion.

Upright, this card shows up to denote that you are in a position desired by many. You will need to secure your territory against those who challenge you trying to take your place. You may hold a contentious point of view, so be ready to support your argument even if you don’t have everything ready to do so. Try to map out the worst case scenario before you move forward. These obstacles can be overcome by pulling from your self-confidence. Keep fighting for what you believe in, and confront those who oppose or threaten your success.

When Reversed, the Seven of Wands represents exhaustion and overwhelm. It may feel as if you are under constant siege, and you’re left wondering if the fight is worth it. You’re burnt out and ready to give up altogether. Even though you are weary, keep fighting for what you believe in. You can’t win over everyone, but drawing a line in the sand can help you stay true to yourself. Have faith that you can achieve what you set out to do. If you find yourself trying to avoid conflict. This is not the same as giving up. Choosing your battles helps you focus on the most important points of your struggle.

Burn out is all too common in society these days, my darlings. We all know the struggle of exhaustion. The Seven of Wands is a reminder that you can persevere. You can push through this and though it is difficult now, you will find it was worth it to fight the good fight.

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