Ten of Pentacles

Hello again my darlings! We’re making good progress through the first of the Minor Arcana now, so let’s wrap up the numerical cards with the Ten of Pentacles today. In general, Tens stand for completion of a shorter term event or project. Something spanning a few days or weeks, at most a couple of months.

Upright, this Ten represents long term success and financial security. You’ve reached a point of accomplishment in your journey and you want for nothing. You have everything you need, especially when it comes to the material world. There is a permanence in your security now that you have created a lasting foundation on which to build your future successes. You are strongly connected to your family, whether chosen or blood, and find deep joy in seeing your loved ones enjoy your wealth and abundance.

Reversed, the Ten of Pentacles points to the dark side of wealth, or perhaps even financial failure. Have you fallen into the trap of wealth? Wealth sounds great in theory, but there is always more to be had, and your self-worth can easily become tied to your wealth. Do you need the latest fashions? The coolest devices? Or is that just what is expected of you, and not what you want from life? This reversal asks you to unravel your need for wealth from your want for a specific social status. If this doesn’t resonate, perhaps you are going through a financial setback or instability in your family life. Re-evaluate your position and choose a course of action that will help you regain a sense of security and self-worth.

Whether you’re basking in the satisfaction of your hard work or reassessing your relationship with wealth to start anew, know that nothing lasts forever. We are constantly changing, shifting, adapting. Money comes and goes, my darlings. Time is irreplaceable.

Nine of Pentacles

Hello, hello, my darlings! Today we’ll be talking about the card that, to me, stands for self-care in all that it is. The Nine of Pentacles.

Upright, this Nine says that you have worked hard to create abundance in your life and now you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. Don’t be scared to splurge or treat yourself to a special occasion. Maybe get the gift you’ve had your eye on to celebrate your success. You deserve it! Financial Independence is yours, and you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of basking in it.

Conversely, the reversal of the Nine of Pentacles shows up when you are questioning your worth. You’ve been wondering if your skills are valuable, whether you are enough, or if you are within your rights to ask for a raise. It can also denote a time when you are so busy working and hustling to reach financial independence, that you have no time or energy to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Now is a great time to retreat to a natural setting and rejuvenate yourself. Invest in yourself and what is important to you. Don’t be afraid to take a cut to your income or reduce your hours at work for a time to focus on your priorities.

It is rare that we recognize our achievements for a decent length of time. Most of us get swept up in what is coming next. Wondering what else we can strive for. But in the words of Stephen King to Neil Gaiman, “This is really wonderful. You should enjoy it.”

Eight of Pentacles

Well here we are again, my darlings. Slowly but surely digging our way through a standard tarot deck. Today we move on to the Eight of Pentacles.

Upright, the Eight of Pentacles is a sign of encouragement. You are developing skills through repetitive tasks, and while it may feel like drudgery, your discipline and consistency are bringing you closer to your goal. Keep doing what you’re doing and it will lead to success. It requires a lot of dedication, focus, and patience, but the energy you invest in your personal development will be worthwhile.

The reversal denotes that you are focused more on perfection than on your goal. You’re losing sight of the big picture and why you’re doing the task in the first place. You’re spending a lot of time and energy on your task, but not seeing the desired outcome manifest. Shift your focus to bring your actions back in line with your broader goals. Don’t get bogged down in the details.

While it’s great to want to do a job well, remember that perfection is an impossibility, and it is in our imperfections that we are unique and special. No one can do the task like you can, that’s what makes your work so important, my darlings.

Seven of Pentacles

Look at us here two weeks in a row! Ready to pick up with the Seven of Pentacles? Me too, my darlings.

The upright Seven of Pentacles indicates a long term investment. This can be something that is in the planning stages or something that you have been working toward for a while and may be feeling that your efforts will ultimately go unrewarded. Either way you need to step back from the day to day grind and take a look at the big picture. Take time to assess where you can best invest your time and energy to get you closest to your goals. Remember, there are no guarantees. Your frustration with slow results may be valid, but focusing on what you can do with what you have will get you further than pouting. Be patient and follow through.

The reversed meaning of this card is to make those same assessments of time and energy. Are you too scattered to be making an impact on your goal? Or are you at a point where the project isn’t as fruitful as you had hoped? If it’s the latter, it may be time to pack it in and try a different approach to get what you want. If you’re drowning in frustration that you aren’t seeing the results you want even though you’re giving it your all, recognize when you’re beating a dead horse. You are the one in control of where your time and energy goes. Shift to a productive course of action.

We have the final say in what our lives look like. If you are unhappy, my darlings, pinpoint where your frustrations lie, and change your actions to align with your happiness. You’re in charge. Don’t give away your power or your energy to a fruitless cause.