A Careful Balancing Act

Hello hello, my darlings! It’s Tarot Tuesday again, and this week we’re moving right along with the energy of the Two of Pentacles. As we continue with the Minor Arcana, these posts will be significantly shorter than the Major Arcana, as they point to shorter timelines or specific events. As a long winded lady, I’m sure there’s much rejoicing on that point, so let’s march onward!

The Two of Pentacles speaks to organization, prioritization, and time management. When it arrives upright, it refers to the many plates that you have spinning in the air right now. You’re busy rushing from one priority to the next with little time available to rest. While it means that you’re doing well at maintaining the workload and can take on whatever life throws at you, it also reminds you that the line between balance and pile of broken plates is very thin. Remember, you don’t have to be driving yourself into the dirt to accomplish tasks. These could be domestic or professional, as the Pentacles speak to the material and tangible realms at home and in business. Your health, your career, and your home life responsibilities are coinciding, and while you’re doing well, be careful you don’t tread into the territory of burn out. Pay extra close attention to important deadlines or obligations where you may find it difficult to be flexible or patient. Adapt as you need to juggle around activities and accommodate the requests being made of you.

When the Two of Pentacles is reversed, it warns that you’re dipping your toes into the burn out side of your tight rope walk. You’re overcommitting your time and energy and winding up in a disorganized state. This is causing you to miss deadlines, drop the ball on bills, or pay too much attention to one aspect of your life at the expense of another. You’re losing your balance. Take some time to reassess your priorities and address each one at a time. Multitasking is not doing you any favors right now. Choose one thing to focus on at a time, and you’ll regain your footing and your energy.

I feel like a lot of us face these struggles regularly, especially being part of a society where we are encouraged to burn ourselves out, but taking steps to prioritize properly helps us maintain a healthy pace. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Take care of yourselves, and reassess when needed. I know you’ll find success, my darlings! You’re beyond capable. I’ll see you next week!

Let’s Get Physical with Pentacles

Hello hello, my lovelies! It’s been a long four months since I finished the Major Arcana, and I’ve missed you so! This break was quite a bit longer than I anticipated, but I’m glad to be back to continue Tarot Tuesday! This means that we can start into the four suits of the Minor Arcana; Pentacles, Wands, Swords, and Cups.

Now, where the Major Arcana is set up as a long journey, the Minor Arcana are situated much like a deck of playing cards, and in fact each suit can be associated to a suit in a regular deck of cards. Pentacles, being representative of finances and the material world in tarot, is unsurprisingly associated with Diamonds. Wands shows up in reference to our creativity and passions, that which drives us, and is associated with Clubs. Swords speaks to our intellect and thought processes, and is associated with Spades. Cups represents emotions and deep wells of feeling, and is associated with Hearts. Each suit of the Minor Arcana has ten numerical cards, and four Court Cards. Generally, the numerical cards refer to an event or an circumstance while the Court Cards refer more to other people or aspects of ourselves that are influencing a situation.

There can be mirrored aspects between the Major and Minor Arcana, for example, the Aces in the Minor Arcana represent beginnings, while the Ten cards represent conclusions. This is similar to how the Fool, the first card in the Major Arcana, represents the beginning of a significant journey, and the World, the last card of the Major Arcana, represents culmination, conclusion, and accomplishment. Although the Minor Arcana are much smaller timelines than what the Major Arcana represent. In the same way, the Court Cards can represent a journey from apprenticeship and enthusiasm to mastery and confidence. We’ll get more in depth with this as we move card by card through each suit.

The first set in the Minor Arcana that we’ll be covering will be Pentacles, also known by the names stars and coins. On the whole, Pentacles represent the material world and are associated with the element of Earth. When they show up in a reading, they refer to your physical health, your domestic life, your finances, or your career, thus the usage of the word “coins”. They represent that which is tangible, tactile, fertile, and supportive. There are good and bad sides to all concepts, though. The good of Pentacles is represented through prosperity, manifestation, and physical security. The bad aspects include greed, over indulgence, and possessiveness.

As we did with the Major Arcana, we’ll start at the beginning. So the particular card we’re deep diving into today is the Ace of Pentacles. As I said before, Aces usually represent a beginning, and this Ace is no different. Being the suit of the tactile and tangible, the upright appearance of the Ace of Pentacles signifies a new financial or career based opportunity is being offered to you. It encourages you to take it, but keep in mind that your dedication and effort are going to be what allows this opportunity to blossom into something abundant and prosperous. It is up to you to manifest what you want through this opportunity, so be clear on your plan of attack. You are capable and deserving of the abundance you are seeking.

It stands to reason, then, that when the Ace of Pentacles arrives reversed in a reading, it represents a lost opportunity, or perhaps a tantalizing opportunity that is fated to fall through. This could be due to a lack of planning on your part, or may even mean that another party will dissolve or retract the opportunity unexpectedly. The core of this reversal is to be careful with your financial commitments and expenditures. Take your time when considering any offers that come your way, making sure to do your due diligence before moving ahead. Don’t take a leap of faith at this time.

Remember, the cards are here to help us get in tune with our subconscious and teach us to trust our intuition. If you feel that an opportunity is too sketchy, but the Ace of Pentacles shows itself upright, trust your gut. The key here is to know the difference between fear and a true, intuitive warning. Fear and anxiety exist as warning systems, but sometimes they go haywire when everything is okay. Do your research, calm your mind, get clear on your goals, and decide what serves you best when opportunities arrive for you. You know yourself and your needs better than anyone, my darlings. Trust yourselves, and I’ll see you next week!