Ace of Wands

Hello hello, my darlings! Today we start in with Wands. First and foremost, as a suit, Wands are associated with the element of Fire, and represent spirituality, inspiration, creativity, ambition, and strength. Think along the lines of passion, enthusiasm, and sexuality. If a reading is mostly wands, you can be sure that you’re seeking greater purpose or meaning in your life, wanting to understand more about what energizes and motivates you. Wands are about aligning with your Higher Authentic Self. So let’s dive in, shall we?

Like all other aces, the Ace of Wands represents a new beginning or opportunity, a moment charged with potential. Being part of the Wands suit, it brings the elements of expansion and growth. Upright, this card is a firm yes to start the project you’re considering. Follow your instincts and listen to your gut. Now is the time to act, rather than plan. The potential is there, and it is up to you to turn that potential into results. Use this opportunity to grow on a personal or spiritual level where you can follow your creative spirit.

The reversal denotes a sense of restlessness. Your energy is raring to go, but you have so many ideas surfacing, that you’re unsure which direction to go. When you think about what other opportunities there are, you struggle to know what you want. Define where your true passion lies. There’s no point in working towards a goal that doesn’t motivate you. What do you aspire to? Your energy may also be restless in a frustrated way if you are facing delays that slow the progress of a project that’s already underway. The key here is: Not now, but maybe later. Be patient, and wait for the opportune moment to move forward. Proper timing is essential for positive results.

This ace is one of the few cards in the tarot deck that gives a clear “go for it” or “hold your horses” response. I’ve always suggested asking questions of your tarot cards that start with “how” or “what” to get the clearest response. Yes or no questions such as “will I get this job?” or “is this person going to fall for me?” tend to get muddy unclear responses, but if you get the Ace of Wands, now you’ll have a clearer idea of what to expect, my darlings! Stay witchy, stay magical, and I’ll see you next week.

King of Pentacles

Hello, hello, my darlings! We made it! The final card of this suit! The King of Pentacles, like the other Kings in tarot, represents a sense of mastery over a domain. Being Pentacles, this King in particular is closely tied to wealth, business, and security.

Upright, The King of Pentacles is an indicator that you are at the final fulfillment of a business venture or investment. You have worked hard to map out your business plan, and have translated that vision into something tangible, and often very lucrative! You can enjoy all that you have accomplished and the success you have created. He also knows when to share wealth and that abundance can come in more forms than money. He provides others with advice, guidance, and wisdom in financial or work related matters.

The flip side of this King asks you to assess your relationship with money and wealth. You may not be managing your wealth well. Are you treating your money with respect, or do you need to draw upon your self-discipline so you can save for the future while still enjoying the fruits of your labor? Are you putting too much importance on money, placing it before everything and everyone else? If these resonate, step back for a moment and look at the impact your obsession with wealth and status is having on your relationships and well-being. It can also represent someone who is very stubborn and rigid in their approach. Being grounded is a good thing, but give yourself permission every now and then to break free and do something different.

In the consumerist world we live in today, it can be hard to balance the actual worth of wealth with the perceived worth of wealth. That’s just another reason I find the tarot to be an invaluable tool to help stay aligned with my Highest Good. I hope these deep dives can help you use it to your advantage as well, and thank you for sharing in this journey with me, my darlings. Next week, we’ll delve into the next suit in the Minor Arcana: Wands. Until then!

Queen of Pentacles

Hello hello, my darlings! I gotta say, I’m pretty proud of myself for hopping back into this and making such wonderful progress over the last few weeks. Today will be no different as we look at the second to last card in the Pentacles: the Queen.

Upright, the Queen represents prosperity and security, while also bringing a nurturing aspect to the reading. You have created or are successfully maintaining a healthy balance between home life and work life. You’ve worked hard to generate this level of financial and/or physical security, which allows you the freedom to share your wealth and abundance with those you love. Make sure to remain compassionate and practical when dealing with others and your present circumstances. Sharing with others doesn’t mean that you go without. Focus on creating a balanced life for yourself. Be resourceful and down to earth when dealing with issues as they arise. Straightforward solutions that fix the problem with minimal fuss is the key. At times she may also speak to a mother figure in your life who can provide you with loving support and nurturing to help get through the influences of your past.

When she is reversed, she encourages you to spend your generous energy and care on yourself. Trust that work and family can survive without you for a short period of time while you pay more attention to your own needs. You may be focused on working toward sustainable financial independence, but have lost the balance between work life and home life. You’re putting too much attention on one side to the detriment of the other. Sometimes you just can’t do everything and will need to make choices about where your priorities truly lie. Talk to your partner or your boss and adjust expectations as necessary so you don’t feel over-committed to one area.

While all of the Queens have a nurturing aspect, the Queen of Pentacles carries a specific air of a working parent. You are strong and capable, my darlings, but as the wheel turns, so do we too need to make sure that as we thrive, we make time for rest.

Knight of Pentacles

Hello again, my darlings. Last week we talked about the enthusiasm and energy of the Page of Pentacles. Today we’re going to talk about what keeps us going when motivation wanes. The Knight cards represent steady progress in my mind. They have trained and worked hard to move from a Page to a Knight of the court, and they know the importance of discipline.

Upright, the Knight of Pentacles represents routine, effort, and responsibility. This particular knight may not be the most inspiring or creative in the deck, but he will do the consistent work to get the results he wants, even when that work is highly repetitive. You are committed to your goals when he appears, and he encourages you to keep doing what you’re doing. If you keep making gradual progress and go with the flow, over time you will reach your goals. Right now may not be particularly exciting, but know that you are on the right path. If you’re feeling tired or like you want to quit, stick with it, and you will see success.

The Reversed Knight of Pentacles suggests that you are feeling stuck in the daily grind and life has become boring and dull. Or perhaps you have been neglecting the routine and mundane tasks that breed this bored dissatisfaction. While you need to make sure you have a schedule in place, and that you stick to it to complete your necessary chores, there is nothing wrong with being spontaneous. Bend your rigid edges until they are a little more flexible so that you can balance work with play.

Either way, this Knight is all about the long haul. Routine and consistency are key in reaching your goals when he appears. That doesn’t mean you should neglect your need for fun or excitement, but temper it as well, my darlings. Balance is the key to success.

Page of Pentacles

Hello hello, my darlings. Today we start making our way through the court cards. First up, the Page of Pentacles! To me Pages represent enthusiasm, fresh eyes, and a certain sense of naivety. Not necessarily to a detriment, but more in a childlike wonder kind of way.

Upright, the Page of Pentacles is bursting at the seams with determination. You are ready to level up your skills and learn something new so you can manifest your dreams. This card invites you to take a class or start an apprenticeship in something new to discover a new aspect of yourself. Welcome in new career opportunities, projects, or hobbies. Make sure you set a clear plan in place to achieve your goals. This is the initial stage of creating success and abundance long term.

The reversal of this page speaks to procrastination or a lack of readiness. You’re being presented with a new opportunity, but feel ill equipped to move forward, worrying that you don’t have the skills or resources for success. It may also suggest that you have tried to get a specific idea off the ground multiple times, but somehow wind up farther away from where you want to be. If this is the case, take some time to step away from this project for a short time. You need to re-energize and refocus before you try again so you can learn from the previous failures.

Motivation and enthusiasm are great ways to kick start an idea, but staying flexible and adaptable when something doesn’t work out is key. Personally, I struggle a lot when things don’t go to plan, but staying focused on why we wanted to start a project in the first place can help align us with our passion when we get knocked down.Stay determined, my darlings!