The Hierophant’s Sagely Advice

Happy Tuesday, my divine darlings! Today we continue our journey through masculine energy with the Hierophant, or The High Priest. Sixth in the Major Arcana, he is the counterpart to the High Priestess. Where she is divine feminine, the Hierophant is our divine masculine. He is a sage, filled with spiritual wisdom and a well of knowledge in tradition and institution. This echoes the systematic structure that The Emperor thrives on and uses to resolve issues that land at his feet. The Hierophant is more intellectually inclined and represents a set of spiritual values and beliefs that are often correlated to formal religious structures. He is often associated with the zodiac sign Taurus.

(Now this isn’t exactly relevant, but I feel compelled to share that I found issue with this association when I first started my journey. Taurus? Stubborn, loving Taurus is associated with the search for knowledge? That didn’t seem right. I struggled with it, wondering why it wasn’t associated with more intellectually based signs or planets. But eventually I realized that Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Taurus, known for being practical, determined, artistic, and resistant to change in combination with the love and beauty of Venus makes sense when you apply it to tradition and religious beliefs. The core of most organized religion is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “Do what ye will and harm none.” These are inherently loving rules. Be kind. Be understanding. Be patient and compassionate. With Venus’ love as the foundation of most spiritual institutions, given time to form tradition and formalize religious practice, these systems become rigid, stubborn, and resistant to change, much like the earth sign Taurus.)

Now back to the task at hand. Upright, The Hierophant encourages you to learn the fundamental principles of your preferred field of study from a trusted source. If you are returning to school, the Hierophant is here to confirm that you are on the right path. If you have already mastered an area of study, he may be asking you to consider becoming a teacher or mentor. Regardless, he says you are following convention and staying within the bounds of a tried and true system. He may also be reaching out if you have been lacking ritual or tradition. He could be calling you to honor familial traditions or sacred rituals that have long laid neglected. He may even be a sign that you are ready to create a regular practice such as daily prayer or meditation. If you have these practices set up in your life, but are feeling disconnected, he can represent membership of an institution. You may find comfort being surrounded by those who have well established beliefs and values with whom you can identify and that will prompt further learning.

Adversely, the reversed Hierophant reminds you that you are your own teacher. All wisdom comes from within. Now is the time to divert from blindly following others and to go against tradition. They may question your choices, but if you are feeling restricted and have lost the sense of freedom that learning brings, now is the time to make your own rules. Challenge the status quo and find whether the beliefs of the many align with your values. Flexibility is necessary in education. As we learn our opinions and perspectives change. When change is stifled, so too is the pursuit of knowledge. Strike out on your own and seek the knowledge that’s being kept from you so that you might draw your own conclusions.

Much like the Emperor, the Hierophant walks a fine line. His is between blind obedience in organized systems and the disobedience of leaving the “approved” realm of knowledge to align with your own values and interests. The needs of the Hierophant can change from day to day. One day we may need community and support, the next we could need the solitary introspection of lessons with which others in the community don’t agree. The wisdom of the Hierophant is that you cannot write off community and institutions. Stay open to all courses of education. Bring in all the knowledge and counsel you can, but at the end of the day, make up your own mind. Don’t lose your curiosity, my darlings. Never stop learning, and know that if and when your outlook changes, it’s not because you were wrong before. It’s because you learned!