A Short and Sweet Verdict

Hello my darlings! Welcome back to Tarot Tuesday. Today we’ll be diving deep into the Justice card. While the word justice generally evokes a feeling of legality and courtrooms, this card can be applied to any level of confrontation, as the core of Justice is about searching for the truth in an objective and unbiased way.

If you’re seeking justice for a wrongdoing and the Justice card arrives upright in your reading, it’s a positive sign that justice will be served. Beware that if you haven’t acted in alignment with your morals and the overall good of all involved, you will be called out and forced to face the consequences of your actions. However, if you’ve stayed aligned with your Highest Self, you have nothing to worry about. A verdict will be passed down soon and there will be no appeals or second chances. You must accept the decision made and move forward. It can also mean that you are at the crossroads of an important decision that may have long term effects. If you can’t stand by your decision and effect the consequences, continue sifting through your morals and your alignment until you fine the place where you can confidently stand by your choice with integrity. Nothing is as clear cut as we think. Confront your beliefs in what is fair and ethical as you explore new territories that challenge your belief system.

The reversal of the Justice card is just as it sounds. You know that you’ve done something immoral, and you’re deciding to either cover it up and hope no one finds out, or to own up to the mistake and responsibly try to resolve the problem. Whatever you choose will bring consequences, so listen to your conscience and do not try to blame others. You must accept your place in what has happened. The appearance of Justice reversed can also mean the opposite. Your inner critic could be coming down too hard on you for inconsequential mistakes, micromanaging your every decision. If this resonates, start addressing the critiques from a place of forgiveness and self-acceptance. Deciphering which meaning is intended is up to you, so take some time to sit in your feelings and assess the objective truth of what is taking place. If you’re making an important decision that will impact more than just yourself, make sure you have all of the information necessary, and that you aren’t harboring bias that could sway you. These will complicate your ability to find the truth and slow the delivery of justice.

Justice is a card that demands self-awareness and the ability to detach yourself from the situation emotionally. You must dig deep into your own truths to find the good that serves everyone, not just yourself. This can be a difficult journey, especially if you’re trapped in a victim mindset. Self-pity won’t serve you or anyone else in this situation. Quiet your emotions and try to look at what is happening from an objective viewpoint. Often the hardest journeys are the most rewarding, my darlings. Do the work, take the time, and consider everyone’s perspective as valid as you search for the universal truth of a situation, and you’ll find justice.