The Magician, Master Manifestor

Welcome back to Tarot Tuesday, my darlings! I hope this finds you well and ready to move forward because today we’ll be meeting the ultimate manifesting partner, The Magician.  Personally, I find this card calls me toward a realignment with my goals. You don’t create something from nothing without focus and planning. Last week, The Fool set us on a fresh path. The Magician asks us to find out what we want from this endeavor and make our choices in service of that goal. 

Upright, The Magician is a sign that you are ready to create. Whatever idea you have conceived, whatever vision you want to bring to reality, the skills and knowledge are at your fingertips and you are capable. You will need focus and discipline to achieve this goal, so establish it as a priority and make sure that all your decisions are in service of breathing life to this endeavor. Set aside the distractions that would pull you from the path. You are resourceful and powerful. Now is the time to be clear on what you want and why. Once you’ve established your intentions, move forward. You are more than capable and the Magician is here to remind you of as much.

Reversed, The Magician is a gentle warning. Your focus is wandering, or perhaps you’re struggling to see any progress in your endeavor. Ask yourself if you’re clear on why you’re working towards this goal. Are you out of line with your Highest Good, only following this path for your own benefit? Has your goal wandered from the original intent towards greed or trickery? Take some time to analyze your recent actions and bring yourself back to the original path. This could also be a sign that you aren’t taking action on your goal yet. You may be exploring your goal still and aren’t ready to step onto the path. Pay attention to any and all opportunities that present themselves. Even small steps are forward movement. Don’t be lax in the planning stages, but neither should you get weighed down by the details. The universe will handle how it happens. You just need to pay attention to the doors that open before you and focus on the goal.

My favorite thing to ask myself when I see the Magician is “have my recent decisions been in service of my goal?” Taking some time to journal and looking at your day to day can help bring your focus back to the task at hand if it has wandered. Or if I have been enjoying the fruits of a recent labor, his presence can help me decide if I have any goals I’ve been complacently ignoring opportunities to start toward. Take the time to set yourself straight and then bring to life that which you desire! Merry manifesting!