Six of Wands

Hello hello, my darlings! Last week we talked about conflict resolution. Today, we’re looking at the Six of Wands and how it connects to the facets of success.

Upright, the Six of Wands speaks to public recognition and self-confidence. You’ve reached an important milestone and are self-assured and successful. Not only have you achieved your goals, but you are receiving public acknowledgment of your hard work. This outpouring of support encourages you to put yourself out there and continue your endeavors! Be open to love and cheers from your biggest fans. This is an important milestone, but you aren’t at the finish line yet, so don’t let fear or guilt stand in the way of your ultimate success.

Reversed, this card denotes that you have reached that important milestone, but you prefer to keep it to yourself for now. It encourages you to create your own definition of success. If you’re lacking the confidence to share because you are seeking validation or comparing yourself to others, you have stripped yourself of your personal power. Bring your attention inward and ask “what does success mean to me?” This can help align your decisions with who you really are and increase your confidence and self-belief. It can also speak to a fall from grace. Perhaps you have shared your achievement, but aren’t receiving the recognition you feel you deserve. Bitterness in this situation can feed arrogance and egotistical behaviors going forward. Reign in your pride, or you may find that someone is likely to knock you down a peg.

Exercising humility, even in the face of roaring support and success, will help keep you grounded even as you accomplish your goals time and time again. As the cards always remind us, all things in moderation. Balance between self-belief and staying grounded is crucial, my darlings, but we can persevere!

Ten of Pentacles

Hello again my darlings! We’re making good progress through the first of the Minor Arcana now, so let’s wrap up the numerical cards with the Ten of Pentacles today. In general, Tens stand for completion of a shorter term event or project. Something spanning a few days or weeks, at most a couple of months.

Upright, this Ten represents long term success and financial security. You’ve reached a point of accomplishment in your journey and you want for nothing. You have everything you need, especially when it comes to the material world. There is a permanence in your security now that you have created a lasting foundation on which to build your future successes. You are strongly connected to your family, whether chosen or blood, and find deep joy in seeing your loved ones enjoy your wealth and abundance.

Reversed, the Ten of Pentacles points to the dark side of wealth, or perhaps even financial failure. Have you fallen into the trap of wealth? Wealth sounds great in theory, but there is always more to be had, and your self-worth can easily become tied to your wealth. Do you need the latest fashions? The coolest devices? Or is that just what is expected of you, and not what you want from life? This reversal asks you to unravel your need for wealth from your want for a specific social status. If this doesn’t resonate, perhaps you are going through a financial setback or instability in your family life. Re-evaluate your position and choose a course of action that will help you regain a sense of security and self-worth.

Whether you’re basking in the satisfaction of your hard work or reassessing your relationship with wealth to start anew, know that nothing lasts forever. We are constantly changing, shifting, adapting. Money comes and goes, my darlings. Time is irreplaceable.