Brighter Than the Sun

Hello, hello my darlings! I’m a little late this week, but we’re slowly, surely approaching the end of the Major Arcana! Once that’s done, I may take a small break to compile the minor arcana in a bite size way that is easily digestible. But today, we take on Earth’s star; The Sun! Bright, warm light and life giver of our solar system! That which we all revolve around and depend upon. In the tarot, it is much the same!

Upright, The Sun arrives to portend success, radiance, and abundance. It’s beautiful warm energy is what will get you through tough times, and if you have indeed been experiencing tough times, the Sun is here to say things are about to get a LOT better! The Sun begs us to connect to the Solar Plexus chakra, the energy center between the stomach and the diaphragm. This is our driving power, not egotistical or selfish, but the radiant energy that connects all things that resides within each of us. In connecting to your authentic power, you will find yourself more present in the world around you, and can give an increase in physical energy, vitality, and general positivity. Each of us holds this light within. You need only access it to benefit from its invigorating enthusiasm.

The reversal of such a positive card brings to light an imbalance in our masculine energies. Perhaps you are working too hard and are feeling burnt out. Take the Sun reversed as an invite to set aside work and play with abandon. Spend some time with your inner child indulging in activities that bring you a bright radiant joy. It can also mean that you’ve encountered delays that have soured your optimism. If you feel depressed or no longer enjoy what you’re doing, don’t worry. The clouds are only temporary, and your path will become clear soon. On the other end of this imbalance, it may say that you are playing too much and are out of touch with how much you can actually achieve. Are you over committing yourself even though you know you can’t deliver? If you aren’t sure, put out some feelers to your trusted circle and get some input to help ground you back in reality. Confidence, like all things, is healthy in moderation.

Whether it’s upright or reversed, remember that the Sun is always a positive card. It wants us to connect to our joy, and while joy and happiness cannot stay forever, it makes the moments where we bask in their presence that much more significant. At least in my opinion. So bask, my darlings! Let your spirit be light and your heart open and wild!

By the Light of the Moon

Hello, hello! I was on a much needed vacation last week and forgot to post our tuesday blog, but fear not! We’re back with another celestial body of the tarot, my darlings! Last time, we took a look at The Star and the hope and trust it brings. This week, we’ll be looking at The Moon. Beautiful, powerful, and ever changing, the moon has a large influence on our specific rock, helping move the tides, and connect to our feminine power. In the tarot, however, she has a slightly different presence.

Upright, The Moon still wants us to connect to our divine feminine energy and bring our deep intuitive insights to the surface, but she represents the fears and illusions that we project into our present based on the past experiences we’ve had. If we’ve suppressed an emotional or painful memory into our subconscious, the Moon card is appearing to show us that these anxieties are illusions. If you find you’re feeling uncertain about a situation, keep in mind that right now, nothing is as it seems. Refrain from making hasty decisions. You only have a fraction of the information you need, and impulsive action will almost certainly lead to regret. Instead, take some time to pay attention to the lunar cycles. Harness their energy to help you gain clarity in the intentions you set on New Moon, and identifying what needs to be released at the Full Moon. In this way, you’ll clear the fog and allow yourself to truly shine.

Reversed, The Moon speaks to an inner confusion or an active repression of emotions. You may not feel ready to face these emotions and are pretending nothing is wrong. While this method can get you through the day, know that those feelings are not gone. They will find their way to the surface and only muddy your emotional and intuitive waters. Face them head on so that you can clearly understand whatever messages are coming to you. If someone else’s words are ringing in your head and causing distrust in your own mind or intuition, remember that your inner voice knows the answers that you need to move forward. Listen to your gut feelings, your dreams, and any sudden unprompted thoughts for signs of where to step next. At its best, the reversed Moon can mean that you have been dealing with anxieties, and now the fear and negative influences are ebbing away. You are working through them and understanding the impact they have on your beliefs and day to day life. If this resonates, know that you are experiencing something deeply liberating in recognizing and removing the power these have over you.

All of us fall victim to our fear and anxiety from time to time, but remember that, while they are there to protect you, fear and anxiety are not good judges of circumstance. If we reassure them that we appreciate their input, but have the situation under control, it can make a big difference in our ability to let go of intrusive, paralyzing thoughts. It may also lead us into shadow work with our inner child, who holds onto the memories that form our emotional foundations. Taking the time to react appropriately to the little one inside of each of us, to be the person that we each needed in whatever moment that child is holding onto, is a step towards healing and even breaking generational cycles. Hard work, true, my darlings, but each of us deserve to be free of the shackles of others; of ourselves.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Hello, hello my darlings! Welcome back to Tarot Tuesday, our weekly deep dive into the original tarot meanings. Today’s card is a nice reprieve from last week when we spoke of the chaos surrounding the Tower. Today, we’re going to look at The Star. This card is rather straightforward so hopefully we can keep this short and sweet.

Upright, the Star is a sign of hope. You’ve gone through some form of upheaval and the Star wants to remind you of the interconnectedness and abundance of the Universe. This is a reprieve; a peaceful phase where you will find mental stability and a connected understanding of yourself and those around you. Anything is possible during this time, so tune in to the magic that moves through your every day. You might find yourself wanting to dream or rediscover a sense of inspiration or purpose in your life. Be open to new ideas and listen to the calm voice within you that you may give back to the community or world around you. Be generous with your blessings.

You’ll be unsurprised, I think, to then learn that the Star reversed means you’ve lost faith in the Universe. You’re feeling overwhelmed and disconnected as you struggle to see that the tests you face are for your benefit. They will push against your resolve and trust in the universe. You can either give in to the despair, or you can adamantly trust that the hum of divine energy is hard at work for you, through you. This reversal can also represent a lack of enthusiasm for a project that you once had burning passion for. Take time to reconnect to what is important to you and why you are started down this path. If the routine of this journey is taking a dull and dreary toll on you, take time out of your day for self-care on a personal and spiritual level before you push yourself even further into burn out.

Either way the Star appears, tune in to your intentions and find your connection to the divine spark that drives each of us toward our soul’s purpose. Trust in the universe. Trust in yourself. Finding your purpose will bring a sense of renewal and contentment here, my darlings. Stay aligned with your original goal and stand strong in the face of adversity.

Rebuilding the Tower

Well, my darlings, we’ve talked about a good many cards that sound daunting and in fact are not. Today we break that streak. Today we talk about The Tower. It doesn’t even really sound scary. It almost sounds safe if taken at face value. A tower; tall, removed, defensible. In the world of tarot, though, it means much the opposite. Where you once were safe and comfortable is going to fall, or is currently falling apart.

Upright, it brings energy of upheaval, destruction, and massive change. Whatever is coming is inescapable and will shake you to the core of your being. You’ll be wracked spiritually, mentally, and physically. You aren’t sure what’s true and what’s not anymore, or even who you can and can’t rely on. As devastating as this razing of your beliefs is, keep in mind that things must fall apart for other better things to fall together. It won’t be easy. And perhaps it hasn’t quite started crumbling yet, but the foundation is cracking. If you let things fall away, it will allow space to rebuild and growth in ways you were unable before. Try to see this as a way to break free and allow your soul to evolve. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t grieve the past. Change is scary, and sometimes this can feel like it was such a deep cut that you could never recover. Take each day one step at a time, and you will find the way forward; the way that leads you to your Highest Good.

Reversed, has a similar meaning, but with one very important distinction. The Tower’s reversal points to the fact that you are the one instigating the change. You are calling your foundational beliefs and morals into question and could even be seeing the truth of a situation, but ignoring it. Resisting this level of change won’t make it go away. It will just get louder and more chaotic until you allow the change to come. At its best, this may be a forewarning. If you’re in touch with your intuition and have been sensing change on the horizon, it can be in your reading to let you plan ahead to lessen the impact of the chaos that is on its way.

Change comes in many forms, from the turning of the seasons in the Wheel, to unpredictable sucker punches that knock the wind from our lungs and leave us gasping for reprieve. Know that when the Tower comes, it comes with good intention and an unflappable fire. From destruction we create, and when your slate is wiped clean is when it is easiest to make something entirely new. Trying to see the positive at work is hard in these times, but do your best to remember that it is happening FOR you, my darlings. Not TO you.

The Devil’s In The Details

Hello hello, my darlings! I’m so glad to be writing to you again! I prepared the last few blogs in advance as I started my new job, and while I’m glad I took the time to focus on my new responsibilities, BOY did I miss talking to you every week. Now if you read my Pink Moon blog, you’ll know that we’re in an energetic upheaval for metamorphosis right now, as we prepare for the new moon in a few days on the 30th. What better time to dig deep into our habits and cycles with this next card; the Devil. Scary sounding again, I know. Don’t panic, this isn’t what you think! The Devil card represents our shadow selves. It’s important to remember that these are not “bad” parts of us, but we do get an instant gratification that we can overindulge to our detriment.

The Devil arrives upright when we have been tricked into thinking that we have no control over our shadow self’s manifestation in our life, or that we could never break free of their hold on us. A lot of times, they surface through addiction, eating habits, or any other immediate satisfaction. It’s important to acknowledge the hold these things have over you and the impact they’re having on your life. They are within your control, however hard it may be to change ingrained habits. These are not the kinds of shadows that you can be freed from overnight. It will take time, discipline, and willpower, but it IS possible to change and it is only you who can make these changes. He can also represent your wild side or sexuality. You could be exploring the freedom of promiscuity, or perhaps darker fantasies. As long as you’re doing this in a safe space with clearly laid boundaries, this can be a very enriching experience! But delving deep into that carnal gratification has the potential to become detrimental to your well-being if things go too far or you find yourself exposed to disease, so choose your partners carefully. On that note, The Devil can also represent a POWERFUL attachment between two people. These kinds of connections can be deliciously intoxicating, so enjoy yourself! Just be sure that you don’t lose track of your personal boundaries or inner guidance, as this can lead to a deeply unhealthy codependent relationship.

When the Devil is reversed, he wants you to know that you’re on the verge of a breakthrough. You’re on the right path to your Highest Good, but you need to let go of unhealthy attachments or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from leveling up. You need to confront the fears and anxieties that you have imposed on yourself to fully release them and move forward. This is an opportunity to explore your deepest darkest places consciously, with calm confidence and courage. Once you understand your innermost shadows, you can choose to leave them behind or use them in a more constructive way. Remember, there is no light without darkness. We are both, and our shadow selves are not bad. They simply are. How we use them is what makes them “good” or “bad”. If you’re feeling unsteady about exploring these depths alone, a professional therapist can help you navigate the dark corridors of your shadow self that binds you. I’m a big proponent of therapy, it has changed my life being able to have a safe space to explore my dark thoughts, or rather, the parts I thought were dark, but are actually quite normal. If you’ve got a brain and it’s on, seeing a therapist is always a good idea, but especially if you’re feeling bound by your own mind. It can help release secrets that are weighing on you, and help you find the source of those thoughts. Usually they’re there to protect us, but have grown out of control. I need to get off my soapbox though, because there is one more important meaning for The Devil reversed, and that’s detachment. If he represents attachments when he’s upright, then the reversal makes sense to represent the importance of detachment. This is actually a Buddhist principle that doesn’t want you to stop caring for the important people or things in your life, but instead to let go of your dependence on them for your happiness. Enjoy their existence without relying on them always being there. You are strong and capable and cosmically connected to everyone and everything anyway.

The Devil is all about embracing your shadow self in healthy, constructive ways instead of destroying yourself or your life for instant gratification. It takes time and potentially help through a trusted individual, but if you can embrace and channel the darker side of you, your path will become clearer and less rocky. I know this was a longer explanation, but I hope it helps you receive him in your readings with open arms and less preconceived notions! The Devil wants you to find your ultimate freedom! From the world, from your attachments, from society, and even from yourself, my darlings! I know you can do it!

Easy Does It

Welcome back, my darlings! The last couple of weeks have been about embracing change and the extremes that can affect us. Today, I want to talk to you about moderation. The ideal state of being is balance, and this next card shows up to tell us to keep ourselves level in upheaval type situations. Temperance is the fourteenth card in the Major Arcana, and calls for emotional level-headedness,

Upright, Temperance demands patience and moderation. Even when stressful situations arrive, temperance wants us to maintain an even keel. Consider all perspectives and walk the middle of the road. Bouncing to extreme ends of the spectrum won’t help you or anyone else. If others are creating friction, being a peacekeeper and combining the diversities to create something new that is even more valuable than the individual ideas. It can also be a sign that you are at peace in whatever situation you find yourself, and may be learning a lot about something that interests you.

Reversed, this card is a warning. You’ve been straying from your long term vision and found yourself at one end of the spectrum. You know you need a moderate approach to reach this goal, so restore balance as soon as possible. Once you do, the stress and tension will melt and you’ll find the flow once again. As you realign, you may encounter tension from others, especially if alignment demands you change living arrangements, relationships, or careers to achieve the moderation that will help you succeed. This can even open the door to deep self-healing in a private way. Focus on your long term plan, and align your daily activities with your higher purpose.

This is one of the few cards, in my opinion, that follows the “understood” idea that upright cards are good and reversed cards are bad. Usually the cards don’t follow that formula, but there are a couple that do, and Temperance is one of them. When this shows up, check your emotions. Are you being level headed and objective? Or are you responding emotionally and irrationally? Everything in moderation, my darlings!

All Things Must End

Happy Tuesday, my darlings. I know I just posted yesterday, and we changed our perspective about the scary sounding Hanged Man. Well today we’re going to get back on track and look at another scary sounding card. This one may well be scary in the moment, but is a natural part of the wheel that perpetually turns. We’ll be learning about the Death card. Again, scary sounding, and sometimes emotionally painful, but contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone or something is going to die soon. Death is a representative of change, and for something new to begin, we need to let what came before end.

Upright, Death is a harbinger of the ending of a major phase of your life that is no longer serving you. We may know what this is or we may not, but if we resist this necessary change, it could result in emotional and physical pain. This can be sudden or unexpected change, so you might feel like you’re getting sucker punched, but if you can maintain a sense of flow with this transformational energy, you’ll mitigate a lot of unnecessary suffering. This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t grieve what is lost, but losing ourselves to what is being taken from us can stagnate our progress and blind us to unexpected opportunities that are suddenly available to us. Letting go of our unhealthy attachments and cutting out unnecessary excess will ease our journey to our Highest Self. Old memories, belongings, and baggage are weighing you down on your path. It may be painful to let them go, but it will strengthen you for the good that is to come.

That being said, it would make sense that the reversal says we’re resisting the major shift that is trying to take place. Maybe we don’t want to let go yet. Maybe we don’t know what we need to let go of to relieve the distress we’re feeling. You will create more distress by resisting, so make an active effort to embrace change. You can break up your normal routine, add an affirmation about positive change to your daily sayings if you use them, and keep your mind open to opportunities you wouldn’t normally take. If you’re going through a personal transition, keep it to yourself for now. This is your journey to travel, and the opinions of others may shake your resolve. Wait until the transition is complete before you share your metamorphosis with others.

Ultimately, the Death card can bring pain. Change isn’t always easy, but if we accept it instead of fighting it, we can lessen the suffering that we endure. I know that seems like common knowledge, but when the emotions of loss and grief are involved they can cloud our better judgment. Changing your mindset from “this is happening to me” to “this is happening for me” can be the difference between an extended painful release, and a gentle flow forward, my darlings. Be open to change. Believe in the good things coming. I’ll see you next week!

The Hanged Man’s True Nature

Welp, I entirely missed Tarot Tuesday last week, my darlings! Honestly I’m appalled with myself because I’m excited for today’s card! Most people see this one as a negative, but really, it’s all about breaking stagnation! I’m getting ahead of myself. Today we’re talking about The Hanged Man. See? See how ominous that sounds? But it’s not, I promise. The Hanged Man isn’t at the gallows, but he is stuck. Let’s get into it!

Upright, this poor man looks to be upside down. He’s hung by the legs, and encourages us to look for new perspectives on the situation in question. Take the time to pause and let go of old mental models or behavioral patterns that have got you going in circles, and essentially heading nowhere. If you decide not to slow down, the Universe will most likely put things on hold for you, so don’t keep pushing forward hoping brute force will get you where you want to go. Surrender to the opportunity to reevaluate where you’re at. I’m always reminded of the movie Big Hero 6 with this card. If you haven’t seen it, it’s criminally underrated and you should absolutely take the time. But! Near the beginning of the movie, Hiro is facing a creative block and can’t think of how to invent something wonderful and new. So his big brother, Tadashi, picks him up and shakes him around, ultimately turning him upside down and says “Shake things up! Find a new angle!” That’s what the Hanged Man wants us to do. Break the routine and try out different approaches and ways of thinking. This could be really inconvenient, or cause you to put important projects on hold, but it will absolutely be worth it.

Reversed, the Hanged Man denotes resistance and indecision. You know you need to hit the pause button but you’re resisting it by keeping yourself tasked and busy to avoid the issue that needs your attention. The Universe will only force you to pause and you may end up crashing. If other people or circumstances have left you on hold unexpectedly, ease into the period of rest. If you’ve been spinning your wheels for a while, this can be a positive sign that you’re ready to move forward. You’ve got a new mindset and renewed energy to change direction. If you’re stalling due to indecision, take the leap! Make the decision to move forward before the Universe drops you in head first!

See what I mean? This card is about changing up your perspective and breaking out of the stagnant rut. Like we said a couple of weeks ago, change is the only constant in this world. The wheel keeps turning, and we turn with it. So take a break when it is given, and move forward when prompted. Staying in tune with your intuition will help you know when to do what, my darlings. Look to other cards in your reading if your gut doesn’t lean one way or another, and trust yourself. You know what you need. The answers are within!

A Short and Sweet Verdict

Hello my darlings! Welcome back to Tarot Tuesday. Today we’ll be diving deep into the Justice card. While the word justice generally evokes a feeling of legality and courtrooms, this card can be applied to any level of confrontation, as the core of Justice is about searching for the truth in an objective and unbiased way.

If you’re seeking justice for a wrongdoing and the Justice card arrives upright in your reading, it’s a positive sign that justice will be served. Beware that if you haven’t acted in alignment with your morals and the overall good of all involved, you will be called out and forced to face the consequences of your actions. However, if you’ve stayed aligned with your Highest Self, you have nothing to worry about. A verdict will be passed down soon and there will be no appeals or second chances. You must accept the decision made and move forward. It can also mean that you are at the crossroads of an important decision that may have long term effects. If you can’t stand by your decision and effect the consequences, continue sifting through your morals and your alignment until you fine the place where you can confidently stand by your choice with integrity. Nothing is as clear cut as we think. Confront your beliefs in what is fair and ethical as you explore new territories that challenge your belief system.

The reversal of the Justice card is just as it sounds. You know that you’ve done something immoral, and you’re deciding to either cover it up and hope no one finds out, or to own up to the mistake and responsibly try to resolve the problem. Whatever you choose will bring consequences, so listen to your conscience and do not try to blame others. You must accept your place in what has happened. The appearance of Justice reversed can also mean the opposite. Your inner critic could be coming down too hard on you for inconsequential mistakes, micromanaging your every decision. If this resonates, start addressing the critiques from a place of forgiveness and self-acceptance. Deciphering which meaning is intended is up to you, so take some time to sit in your feelings and assess the objective truth of what is taking place. If you’re making an important decision that will impact more than just yourself, make sure you have all of the information necessary, and that you aren’t harboring bias that could sway you. These will complicate your ability to find the truth and slow the delivery of justice.

Justice is a card that demands self-awareness and the ability to detach yourself from the situation emotionally. You must dig deep into your own truths to find the good that serves everyone, not just yourself. This can be a difficult journey, especially if you’re trapped in a victim mindset. Self-pity won’t serve you or anyone else in this situation. Quiet your emotions and try to look at what is happening from an objective viewpoint. Often the hardest journeys are the most rewarding, my darlings. Do the work, take the time, and consider everyone’s perspective as valid as you search for the universal truth of a situation, and you’ll find justice.

Big Wheel Keep On Turnin’

Hello, hello again, my darlings! I hope everyone had a lovely Ostara and is thriving in the growth of the earth! What a perfect time to talk about the next card in the Major Arcana! The Wheel of Fortune is up today. No, not the game show, this card is all about the constancy of change. We all know it. Most of us don’t like it, but you can’t fight change. It will happen whether you’re ready or not.

Now upright, the Wheel of Fortune represents good luck and karmic destiny. You are feeling the abundance in your life or will be feeling it very soon! Opportunities you never fathomed are presenting themselves to you, and you can choose to take an entirely new direction with your life. In the same vein, if things have been going well lately, they may be about to return to “normal” soon as the wheel turns. As long as you go with the flow, the outside factors influencing the situation will resolve themselves. Stay open to the idea that the Universe has your back and will take care of whatever is happening. You may not want the good times to end, but change is the only constant in this world. Fighting it will only cause strife.

Reversed, the Wheel of Fortune speaks to just the opposite; bad luck and resisting change are either on their way to you or are already here. You may be feeling helpless or you could be stuck in a bit of a victim mindset right now, but remember that changing your destiny starts with accepting where you are now. You had a role in getting here, and while sometimes things are out of your control, that doesn’t mean that everything is out of your hands. If you’re feeling that this change was forced on you, it makes sense that you would be resistant to it, but accepting the inevitability of change can make the transition smoother and save you from unnecessary distress. There are a couple positives to this reversal, though! One being that, if bad luck and change have been plaguing you for a while, the wheel is about to turn, so this may be coming to an end soon. The second positive aspect could be that you are finally breaking a negative cycle that has followed you through life! Sometimes this can happen naturally and gently after a time of introspection and soul searching. Other times, specifically if other cards of upheaval are present in the reading, such as the Tower, it can mean that you need to hit the absolute bottom before you are able to accept and release to the change that is staring you down.

We’re all familiar with the phrase “life is full of ups and downs”, right? That’s the embodiment of this card. Sometimes, we are on top of the world, others we feel like a bug crushed beneath the boot of life. Either way, the wheel keeps on turning. We can’t be on the top all the time, but neither can we be on the bottom all the time. Nothing is forever, and we can either fight change or flow with it. Which one will you choose, my darlings? Let me know down below, and I’ll see you next week!