Brighter Than the Sun

Hello, hello my darlings! I’m a little late this week, but we’re slowly, surely approaching the end of the Major Arcana! Once that’s done, I may take a small break to compile the minor arcana in a bite size way that is easily digestible. But today, we take on Earth’s star; The Sun! Bright, warm light and life giver of our solar system! That which we all revolve around and depend upon. In the tarot, it is much the same!

Upright, The Sun arrives to portend success, radiance, and abundance. It’s beautiful warm energy is what will get you through tough times, and if you have indeed been experiencing tough times, the Sun is here to say things are about to get a LOT better! The Sun begs us to connect to the Solar Plexus chakra, the energy center between the stomach and the diaphragm. This is our driving power, not egotistical or selfish, but the radiant energy that connects all things that resides within each of us. In connecting to your authentic power, you will find yourself more present in the world around you, and can give an increase in physical energy, vitality, and general positivity. Each of us holds this light within. You need only access it to benefit from its invigorating enthusiasm.

The reversal of such a positive card brings to light an imbalance in our masculine energies. Perhaps you are working too hard and are feeling burnt out. Take the Sun reversed as an invite to set aside work and play with abandon. Spend some time with your inner child indulging in activities that bring you a bright radiant joy. It can also mean that you’ve encountered delays that have soured your optimism. If you feel depressed or no longer enjoy what you’re doing, don’t worry. The clouds are only temporary, and your path will become clear soon. On the other end of this imbalance, it may say that you are playing too much and are out of touch with how much you can actually achieve. Are you over committing yourself even though you know you can’t deliver? If you aren’t sure, put out some feelers to your trusted circle and get some input to help ground you back in reality. Confidence, like all things, is healthy in moderation.

Whether it’s upright or reversed, remember that the Sun is always a positive card. It wants us to connect to our joy, and while joy and happiness cannot stay forever, it makes the moments where we bask in their presence that much more significant. At least in my opinion. So bask, my darlings! Let your spirit be light and your heart open and wild!

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