New Moon, Who Dis?

Hello, my darlings! I hope you’re all feeling open to change and possibility as we come up on the New Moon on Wednesday! Since we focused so much on Imbolc last month and the power of manifestation it gave us in conjunction with the new moon, I wanted to have a special post just for the new moon. My working from last month was wildly successful, so this new moon I’m going to cultivate gratitude. I want to manifest a day to day where I see the good things over the bad. Not ignoring the problems, but not letting them consume me either. So let’s talk about the new moon.

In this state, the moon is considered “empty” since there is no light on her. She’s a dark moon, ready and waiting for all the light to fill her up again. She is drawing it to her little by little, making progress every day towards the fullness we’ll see in two weeks’ time. This particular new moon will be in Pisces, my personal sun sign. Pisces is an introspective water sign, with positive aspects of dreaming, imagination, and intuition. Some of the negative aspects include delusions, deceit, and dissociation from physical reality. 

With the moon in Pisces, you may be feeling more sensitive or perceptive of your surroundings, causing you to act passively. While waiting to see what comes next isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it may come from a place of insecurity. If that resonates, don’t hold yourself back now. Open to the potential and opportunities surrounding you. If that doesn’t ring true, spend this period of rest and calm investing in your creative interests or spending time on your spiritual practice. If you don’t have a spiritual practice, maybe now is the time to build one! Whether that’s saying a little prayer before bed, or taking 5 minutes in the middle of the day to meditate and quiet your mind, the imagination of Pisces will greatly influence these areas should you dedicate time to them.

 Like I said, I’m going to be looking for opportunities to exercise mindful gratitude in the coming weeks, and to build that new perspective, my ritual this month will look a little different. Since Pisces is the water sign of the fish, I’m going to be taking a ritual bath. I promise that this wasn’t coordinated with the post that the Master Librarian made for Fae Friday, but it does seem to coincide well! A ritual bath isn’t something I’ve done before, so everything I share in this how-to will be rather experimental, but a lot of the steps remain the same.

1. First we’ll cleanse our workspace. In this case, it will be the bathtub. (If you don’t have a bathtub, that’s okay. You can take a ritual shower too. Or even just take some extra care in a face wash. There’s no wrong way, guys! Seriously!) I would suggest cleaning the tub/shower like normal, and then if you feel so inclined, burn some incense or wipe some moon water around the tub in a clockwise motion. Remember, clockwise for welcoming in energy, counterclockwise for banishing energy. 

2. Let’s dress our workspace. A couple things to keep in mind if you’re a crystal lover like me: First, Selenite represents the moon and is a powerful cleansing and purifying stone. Second, DO NOT get it wet. Keep those shiny beauties on the sink counter or on a shelf nearby. They don’t play well with water. Other stones that represent the new moon are Clear Quartz for grounding, Labradorite, the gem of magic, and Tiger’s Eye, a powerful manifesting stone. If you want to represent Pisces, their stones are Fluorite, Amethyst, and Aquamarine. All of these stones are fine to be near water, so I’m planning to put them on the edge of the tub or on the shower shelves. I also intend to burn some herbs, so I’ll have my cauldron on the counter with Rosemary for cleansing and protection, Mugwort for awakening the third eye and banishing negativity, and Sage (a Pisces related herb) for wisdom and blessings. I’ll also have a couple of candles for my deities and a lighter and charcoal for the cauldron. I’m going to have a cup, some dried sunflower petals, bath salts, and lavender essential oil for the bath as well.

3. Charge and cleanse your vehicle. For this particular ritual, I’m going to be my vehicle, since I am the one seeing the opportunities for gratitude every day. I plan to start drawing the bath, light my candles, and then light my charcoal to burn the herbs in my cauldron. I’ll fan the smoke from the herbs around myself with the following incantation:

I quiet myself with the Black Moon. As she is now empty, so too do I cleanse and open myself to that which I have overlooked. As she fills, so too will I become stronger in the positivity surrounding me.

During this portion I’ll be envisioning the smoke attaching to the dark parts of my mind and body that have been overwhelming my day to day. I envision this as a black sticky tar like substance. The smoke will encapsulate the tar and separate it from my energy. I’m going to put a large amethyst on my third eye in the middle of my brow bone and visualize it opening like an eye to see the objective truth of reality.

4. Bath time! When the bath is full, I will add a few drops of Lavender essential oil for calm, bath salts for cleansing, and sunflower petals for peace and clarity. I like to listen to music in the bath so I’ll be starting some gentle music before adding the last ingredient; me! The cleansing portion of this can look however you like. I will be pouring water over my head and visualizing the water connecting with the smoke covered tar and washing off of my person, safely into the water where it will be cleansed and neutralized. I’ll repeat my intention three times as I do this:

I cleanse myself so that I may see more clearly the world around me and the path before me.

Then I’ll set the cup aside and quietly submerge and meditate in the water, thinking on all of the abundance present in my life. 

5. Closing the ritual. When you’ve finished your bath and are draining the tub, envision all the black tar that didn’t neutralize in the bath going down the drain, back to the earth. Mother earth neutralizes all. (If you took a shower, you can visualize this while you are cleansing instead of seeing the black tar neutralizing in the tub.) Before putting out candles I’ll say: 

Thank you for listening and assisting me in this working. I have all that I need while working towards what I desire to have in my life. I welcome gratitude, joy, and silver linings. I open myself to that which serves my Highest Good and aligns me with my Highest Self. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is. Blessed be.

I’ll thank my deities for joining me and invite them to stay if they wish before extinguishing their candles.

And there you have it! A new moon gratitude ritual bath! Once I’m dried and dressed, I’m going to make a list of things I’m grateful for and post it up in the house so I can see it every day as a reminder. Like I said, this is an experimental spell for me, so let me know what you would change or what you intend to manifest in the comments. Happy manifesting, my darlings!

Dinny Mara

As a children’s librarian, I currently have summer reading on the brain. (It’s never too early to plan for warmer weather when you live in Indiana, right?) The theme this year is Oceans of Possibilities, and I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time looking to hire some poor unfortunate soul to dress as Ariel. With mermaids on the brain, I thought I’d dedicate this Fae Friday to an overlooked mythological creature: the merman. Specifically, the Dinny Mara who reside off the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. Mermen may have been sexualized in current media, but the Dinny Mara are considered ugly creatures with pig-like eyes, breath like raw fish, and crimson noses from drinking all the brandy found in sunken ships (Bane, 2013). Despite their odd appearance, the Dinny Mara are considered very affable sea creatures who are usually in the mood to help sailors by warning them of impending storms or by providing fish when food supplies are running short on ships (Mer-Gyver, 2013). The Dinny Mara do have a bit of a bad side, though. If you want to avoid making them upset, be sure to never whistle while sailing in their waters. They absolutely detest whistling, and they are known to conjure up strong winds that will blow your boat off its course (Bane, 2013).


A beautiful way to connect to water and the spirits it holds is by taking a ritual bath. Though bodies of water hold danger and must be respected, they are also places of tremendous healing. In a chaotic world that fuels our stress, anxiety, and depression, slipping into the warm embrace of a relaxing bath can help ease the tensions we hold within our bodies on a daily basis.

I would suggest doing this during a new or full moon to help increase the bath’s potency. Just as the moon controls the tides of the Earth, it can also influence the water within your tub and within your body. Before drawing the bath, be thinking of your intentions. Do you want the water to heal your body? Your soul? Do you wish it to form a protective barrier around you? Whatever you desire, be thinking about that throughout your day as you gather the ingredients to add to your bath. These can be anything you feel drawn too (though to be safe, I would Google what you select to ensure it’s safe for human skin). To bring a bit of the ocean into this bath, I suggest Epsom or sea salt (these are also great for aches and pains). Rose petals would be a nice addition for femininity and beauty. Perhaps you are growing an herb garden and have some peppermint leaves or fresh rosemary to add. Essential oils are also a nice addition.

Before your bath, be sure to clean your ritual space. I know that cleaning your bathroom isn’t the most exciting task, but you are worthy of a clean environment. You deserve a peaceful bath free of impurities, and you will feel much more relaxed soaking in a freshly cleaned tub. It is also suggested that you take a short shower before the bath begins so you can rinse your skin of any unwanted sweat, grit, or negativity.

While you draw your bath and add your ingredients, set up the space to be most comfortable for you. Start a playlist of soothing music that feeds your soul. Light some candles to fill the room with soft light. You can surround your tub with your favorite crystals or bring your journal to write down your intentions. Incense would also be a pleasant addition to the atmosphere. Focus on making this time your own.

Next, enjoy your soak! You deserve it. Stay for as long as wish, releasing all your stress and anxiety into the water. Be sure to take note of your entire body as it is submerged; think of all the beautiful things those different body parts do for you in a day. All of you is powerful and beautiful. Focus on the intentions you set before entering the bath and enjoy a quiet meditation.

When you are finished, drain your tub and gather all the leftover ingredients in a bowl. After you are dry and feeling relaxed from your ritual bath, take those ingredients outside and return them to the Earth they were borrowed from. I hope this ritual gives you a restful night’s sleep and a wonderful start to your following day!


Bane, T. (2013). Encyclopedia of fairies in world folklore and mythology. McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers.

Mer-Gyver, M. (2013, June 12). Mermen in lore and history.

The Lovers; More Than Romance

Happy Tuesday, my darlings! We’ve talked about balancing masculine energy, we’ve talked about balancing feminine energy, and now we talk about where they meet and balance against one another. The Lovers card is the 6th in the Major Arcana and represents harmony, balance, relationships alignment, and oddly enough, love. Who would have guessed! While it generally refers to romantic relationships, the Lovers can also speak to any close relationship where love, respect, and compassion flow.

In a relationship reading, the upright Lovers show that you have a beautiful soul tie connection with a loved one. It’s a sign that if you communicate openly and honestly with those you care about, you can create a healthy vibrant relationship that is built on trust. In a personal reading, it represents figuring out what you stand for and living authentically. Staying true to yourself is paramount in establishing what is, and is not essential to you. Clearly set your values and beliefs about who you want to be in this lifetime and how you want to connect with others, as well as on what level you wish to connect. Choice is the core of this card. You may be facing a moral dilemma, and choosing love will not lead you astray. Love for yourself, others, or the universe at large. Choosing love, choosing to unite forces, even outwardly opposing forces, can create something whole. Accepting the duality of a situation or of differing peoples will let you build a relationship or foundation from which love can flow.

When this reversal appears in a personal reading, it speaks to self-love and respect. Do you accept yourself and the value you have in the world? Are you envious of qualities that others possess? If you can see these desirable qualities in others, remember that you already have them within you. You could also be facing a tough choice with significant consequences, or perhaps you’re punishing yourself for something you’ve done or that you consider yourself responsible for. Look inwardly and align yourself with your Highest Good, no matter how difficult the path may be. Forgive what has come to pass, and focus on specifying your personal beliefs and values now. Aligning yourself with detailed goals will help guide you in making decisions you’re proud of next time. If the Lovers are reversed in a relationship reading, it signifies imbalance in the relationship, whether romantic or not. Communication may feel strained, or perhaps one of you is more emotionally invested than the other. You may know that you love this person unconditionally and that this moment will pass, but be mindful that if the imbalance persists for too long, this can lead to disappointment and insecurity later on. Take the time to address miscommunications or the imbalance of emotional efforts if you wish to maintain a healthy open foundation.

Remember that communication is the core of any strong relationship. Whether you are communicating your ideals to yourself so you stay clear on your path, or making yourself vulnerable with another person by communicating honestly to maintain a healthy relationship, honest communication is always going to lead to resolution. Sometimes we don’t want to talk about the relationship, or look at how far we’ve strayed from our path. It’s hard. It’s scary. It’s tiring. But it is so worth it to know that you have given the top efforts toward yourself and those you care most about. So take a deep breath, sort your thoughts out, and stay authentic to yourself, my darlings! The hard work is the most rewarding!

Hu Hsien

It’s time for Fae Friday again, and in honor of the 2022 Beijing Olympics going on right now, I decided to pick a faery of Chinese origin: the Hu Hsien. These are fox fairies known for their shapeshifting, as well as their trickster behavior. This particular faery has a (mostly) infamous reputation in Chinese mythology, and they are considered a bad omen if seen (Bane, 2016). Their fox form is usually described as having nine tails with magical properties, like the ability to start a fire by striking the ground (Bane, 2016). As shapeshifters, they can appear in whatever form they choose (demon, animal, man, etc.), but a beautiful woman seems to be their most prevalent choice. The reason this particular Fae has such a negative connotation is because they tend to use their trickery to lead people astray. The Hu Hsien would attempt to seduce mortals with wealth and power, causing the humans to fall into a life of debauchery and doom (Hamilton, 2021). They are also associated with using their shapeshifting abilities to seek revenge, whether or not this vengeance is actually warranted (Bane, 2016).

Image via


Ironically, I believe that foxes are a good omen in my own personal life. Foxes are confident and clever; they push boundaries and get into and out of trouble. Fox faeries like the Hu Hsien and other (more likable) fox spirits can become whatever they set their minds to simply because they believe they can. I find something so beautiful about that. Foxes symbolize so much more than just mischievousness; they offer protection, intelligence, luck, beauty, and a carefree outlook on life.

Your task for this week is to get in touch with your own inner fox spirit. Starting as far back as the Tang Dynasty (618 AD), Chinese commoners would leave offerings in their bedchambers for the fox spirits (Huntington, 2003). Food offerings are preferred, especially things like rice and tofu. I believe any type of food offering would be appreciated, however, so give whatever you can. And if you don’t have any food available, I think flattery might also put you in their good graces. A warning here: fox spirits are hungry creatures. They will expect to be fed again, and often.

After you have laid out your offering, put yourself in a state of meditation. Dive deep into yourself and see if you can locate your own fox faery inside your psyche. What characteristics does this fox display that you wish you had in your daily life? Perhaps they are oozing confidence in their own skin. Or maybe their cutting wit and cleverness are something you admire. Use this meditation to take on whatever attribute you desire most. Like the fox, you too can shapeshift to fit your needs. This might not be a physical metamorphosis, but it is a transformation nonetheless. After your communion with the fox spirit is complete, thank them for their guidance. Emerge from your meditation with your newfound character trait, and go about your day as if it has always been a part of you. Have the same assurance that a fox faery has when they slip into another skin with ease. Who knows? If you like this transformation enough, perhaps this new persona will be yours forever.


Bane, T. (2016). Encyclopedia of beasts and monsters in myth, legend and folklore. McFarland.
Hamilton, M. (2021, November 22). Huxian
Huntington, R. (2003). Alien kind: Foxes and late imperial Chinese narrative. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

The Hierophant’s Sagely Advice

Happy Tuesday, my divine darlings! Today we continue our journey through masculine energy with the Hierophant, or The High Priest. Sixth in the Major Arcana, he is the counterpart to the High Priestess. Where she is divine feminine, the Hierophant is our divine masculine. He is a sage, filled with spiritual wisdom and a well of knowledge in tradition and institution. This echoes the systematic structure that The Emperor thrives on and uses to resolve issues that land at his feet. The Hierophant is more intellectually inclined and represents a set of spiritual values and beliefs that are often correlated to formal religious structures. He is often associated with the zodiac sign Taurus.

(Now this isn’t exactly relevant, but I feel compelled to share that I found issue with this association when I first started my journey. Taurus? Stubborn, loving Taurus is associated with the search for knowledge? That didn’t seem right. I struggled with it, wondering why it wasn’t associated with more intellectually based signs or planets. But eventually I realized that Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Taurus, known for being practical, determined, artistic, and resistant to change in combination with the love and beauty of Venus makes sense when you apply it to tradition and religious beliefs. The core of most organized religion is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” “Do what ye will and harm none.” These are inherently loving rules. Be kind. Be understanding. Be patient and compassionate. With Venus’ love as the foundation of most spiritual institutions, given time to form tradition and formalize religious practice, these systems become rigid, stubborn, and resistant to change, much like the earth sign Taurus.)

Now back to the task at hand. Upright, The Hierophant encourages you to learn the fundamental principles of your preferred field of study from a trusted source. If you are returning to school, the Hierophant is here to confirm that you are on the right path. If you have already mastered an area of study, he may be asking you to consider becoming a teacher or mentor. Regardless, he says you are following convention and staying within the bounds of a tried and true system. He may also be reaching out if you have been lacking ritual or tradition. He could be calling you to honor familial traditions or sacred rituals that have long laid neglected. He may even be a sign that you are ready to create a regular practice such as daily prayer or meditation. If you have these practices set up in your life, but are feeling disconnected, he can represent membership of an institution. You may find comfort being surrounded by those who have well established beliefs and values with whom you can identify and that will prompt further learning.

Adversely, the reversed Hierophant reminds you that you are your own teacher. All wisdom comes from within. Now is the time to divert from blindly following others and to go against tradition. They may question your choices, but if you are feeling restricted and have lost the sense of freedom that learning brings, now is the time to make your own rules. Challenge the status quo and find whether the beliefs of the many align with your values. Flexibility is necessary in education. As we learn our opinions and perspectives change. When change is stifled, so too is the pursuit of knowledge. Strike out on your own and seek the knowledge that’s being kept from you so that you might draw your own conclusions.

Much like the Emperor, the Hierophant walks a fine line. His is between blind obedience in organized systems and the disobedience of leaving the “approved” realm of knowledge to align with your own values and interests. The needs of the Hierophant can change from day to day. One day we may need community and support, the next we could need the solitary introspection of lessons with which others in the community don’t agree. The wisdom of the Hierophant is that you cannot write off community and institutions. Stay open to all courses of education. Bring in all the knowledge and counsel you can, but at the end of the day, make up your own mind. Don’t lose your curiosity, my darlings. Never stop learning, and know that if and when your outlook changes, it’s not because you were wrong before. It’s because you learned!

A Moon By Many Names

Hello, my darlings! I hope you’ve spent the last few weeks focusing on your manifestations from Imbolc’s new moon, because the sixteenth of February marks the second Full Moon of 2022. This one goes by many names for a lot of different reasons. The first name I heard for February’s full moon was the Bone moon, but in researching for this post, I learned it is also called the Snow moon, the Ice moon, and the Quickening moon.

I always liked the name of the Bone moon, because it makes sense historically. Food reserves were running low around this time of year, and people relied on bone broths and gnawing the last of the meat off of bones for sustenance before spring made her grand entrance. However, we’re a bit removed from that lifestyle these days with 24 hour grocery stores and year round abundance, so I wanted to look into other names that may resonate more with the earth and the lives we lead now. The Snow moon and Ice moon make sense, especially considering that here in the Midwest we just had one to two feet of snow fall in 2 days a couple weeks ago. 

The Quickening moon intrigued me. I like the tie it gives to the cycle of the planet. In my Imbolc post, I talked about how the very first stirrings of life were beginning to move in the earth again, and Imbolc translated means “in the belly”. The Quickening moon echoes this to me. Spring is building beneath the surface. The earth is rooting and waking. She’s preparing, much like a mother who feels her child kick for the first time. She’s not here yet, but she’s coming. Now is the time to strengthen our resolve and patience before change arrives. Take time to be grateful for that which you have now while we wait for the greenery to burst forth and change the world, yet again. 

The Quickening moon is going to be in fiery Leo, so if you want to harness some of that creative, warm-hearted and cheerful lion energy, I would encourage you to safely have a representation of fire on your altar. I intend to make a need fire for burning Rosemary and Chamomile since they’re associated with Leo (one of my favorite ways to work), but if that’s something you’re not comfortable with, don’t worry! You can pull out Sunstone, or Peridot, have a representation of a lion, or the sun on your altar. If those are out of your realm as well, you can simply add gold or orange colors. Remember, it’s less about tools and more about intention. 

Like any other full moon rite, you can focus on what you would like to let go of as the full moon wanes. With Leo being our point of reference for the moon, it could be a good time to release the weaknesses associated with this sign such as arrogance, stubbornness, or inflexibility if you’re feeling that you struggle in those areas. I know I will be releasing an arrogant inflexibility that manifests in needing to control situations this month! So let’s talk about what that release looks like.

I’m going to add this reminder every time I post a ritual or spell working. Every witch’s practice is a little different. This is mine.

1. Cleanse your space. This is the staple beginning point for any ritual or spell. Having a clean workspace helps us make sure our energies don’t get mixed. Just like for the Wolf Moon ritual I posted last month, I like to clear the workspace of old workings or stray items, and wipe the table down with moon water. For the full moon, try wiping in a counterclockwise circle for releasing or banishing. Clockwise can help with manifesting or bringing in new energy. Then I’ll do smoke cleansing of the area with incense. If you feel like you need to clear the entire room, try using a singing bowl to raise the vibration in the room or clear any lingering energy.

2. Dress your workspace. This is my favorite part. I set out my associated items for this working stones, herbs, colors, what have you. The Quickening moon is associated with bones, (shock!) Jasper, Amethyst, and Rose quartz for stones. It’s associated herbs are Myrrh, Sage and Hyssop, and its colors are purple and blue. If you are intending to include items for Leo, its stones are Sunstone, Peridot, and Onyx. Herbs, like I said before, are Rosemary and Chamomile, and it’s colors are gold and orange. I put out candles for my deities and light them to invite them to join me in my working. Since I am going to burn herbs and my intention to release, I am also going to make sure I have salt, rubbing alcohol and my cauldron in the space. I’m also going to have bay leaves and a marker nearby to write my intended release, but this can be done on a piece of paper as well. Personally, I prefer to burn herbs. They smell nicer than paper. I’ll also be keeping my djembe drum nearby for this working.

3. Meditate and connect. This step is crucial for me. I take time to quiet my mind and connect with the earth and the moon. Meditate on that which I want to release, and let the energy flow through me. For this particular moon, I will be using the following incantation:

I drum beneath the Quickening Moon to awaken the Earth beneath me. She who stirs with potential and grants us life, food, and shelter. I awaken my own potential alongside her. I take advantage of my strengths and gratitude in this time of preparation. Mother Earth, hear my drum and awaken with me. 

I will drum on my djembe until I feel ready to do my working. I tend to focus on the energy in my hands the most, though in awakening the earth, I also extend my energetic root to the earth and envision the energy she offers coming up to me for this working.

4. Charge your release vehicle. Once I feel the buzz of energy, I will grab my bay leaf and marker and write that which I want to release on it, visualizing the energy moving this need to control, this inflexibility and stubbornness, out of me and into the leaf through the writing. Sometimes after writing, you may feel that there is more energy to be moved out of you and into your leaf or paper. Take some time to sit with the item in your hand and continue moving energy into it until you feel like you’ve completely eradicated that which you want to release.

5. Burn to release. At this point we’ll set aside the leaf or paper, and bring up our cauldron, salt, and rubbing alcohol to make the need fire. Please remember to never leave your open flames unattended. Need fires burn bright and hot, but don’t burn for very long; only a few minutes. In your cauldron put one tablespoon of salt, and 1/2 to 3/4 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol. Mix this together until the rubbing alcohol has been absorbed and it’s a little gooey in consistency. Then use a long match or a long candle to light. It goes up quick, so use smart fire safety when making your own need fire. Once your need fire is lit, you can add herbs if you like, or just light your leaf or paper that you wrote on. As it burns, visualize the negativity being burned with the vehicle. When the fire goes out, it is done. 

6. After drawing energy from the earth, I take a moment to move any excess energy in my body back down into the earth and then pull up my energetic root. This can help if you wind up with a high energy of mind and body after workings. I usually still have a bit of an aftershock effect, but this step can definitely help in mitigating it.

7. Closing the ritual. Once your need fire goes out, you can do any other workings you have in mind or you can close with the following incantation:

Thank you for listening and assisting in my working. I release that which blocks me from my Highest Good and retain that which keeps me aligned with my Highest Self. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is. Blessed be.

I then thank my deities for joining me, invite them to stay or go as they will, and extinguish their candles. 

And look at us! We did our second full moon spell together! Thanks for joining me, my darlings. I hope removing whatever obstacle you released helps lessen the struggles in your path! If you changed anything or did something different, let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear about everyone’s nuanced differences.

Cailleach Bheur

Welcome to Fae Friday, my lovelies! In honor of the cold and snowy weather we’ve had here in the Midwest, I wanted to devote this week to the Cailleach Bheur (also known by many other names and spellings, depending on what region you’re in). This Celtic faerie (or goddess, if you’re pre-Christian old school), has Scottish and Irish roots, and her name translates to the Blue Hag. This is fitting for her appearance as she emerges on the night of Samhain (Halloween) and is depicted as an old crone with either blue skin or clothes, carrying a holly staff and a crow. She is the personification of winter, and as the cold season creeps closer to spring, she grows younger and younger by comparison (Wigington, 2018). This entity is one of the most powerful in Celtic tradition with the ability to transform landscapes on a whim. It is believed that she created the mountains as she flew in the sky overhead, throwing stones from her apron that would land as new rock formations. As the bringer of winter, she would also wash her filthy cloak after she emerged from her slumber at the end of fall, generating deadly whirlpools and causing snowstorms to rage across the land (Macdonald, 2014). When her cloak was pulled from the water white and clean, it would match the blanket of snow on the ground. Once her harsh cold season ended on May Eve, she would turn to stone until she was awoken again on Samhain (Eason, 2002.)

My favorite story about the Cailleach Bheur should actually sound familiar to many readers. On February 1 (or Imbolc, for those keeping up with the Sabbats), the Cailleach Bheur emerges from her home in search of firewood to keep her warm for the rest of winter. If the day is fair, she can go out and gather an abundance of kindling, meaning that winter will last longer because she is more prepared. If, however, it is a dreary day, she will choose to stay in and make do with the fuel she already has. This means that winter will end early, as soon as the Cailleach Bheur runs out of firewood. If you think this sounds a lot like Groundhog Day, a holiday made popular in North America when an adorable rodent predicts the weather, you would be right! This tradition stems from the legend of the Cailleach Bheur (Capper, 2016).

To honor the Cailleach Bheur (and to start moving winter on its merry way), Patricia Telesco (1998) offers some beautiful ideas for your alter. Start by bringing the sun into your alter by covering it with some type of yellow clothe. If you don’t have something yellow available, you could always incorporate the real sun by leaving your window blinds open for its rays to peak inside. If the weather is right, go out and collect a bowl of snow to place on your alter. Light a blue candle as representation of the Cailleach Bheur, and allow both the candle and the snow to melt from the power of the flame and the sun. Just as the world turns and the seasons change, this winter will melt away into life-bringing spring. Take the melted snow and return it outside in a special place (I will pour mine around my faery circle). If you think you might need a future spell to help your temper cool down, save the wax from the blue candle and re-melt it for your spell work.


Capper, D. (2016). Groundhog oracles and their forebears. Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science, 51(2), 257–276.
Eason, C. (2002). A complete guide to faeries & magical beings. Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
Macdonald, F. (2014). Celtic myths and legends: Vol. 1 [edition]. Capstone.
Telesco, P. (1998). 365 goddess: A daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess. HarperOne.
Wigington, P. (2018, February 21). Cailleach, the ruler of winter. Learn Religions.

The Emperor’s Call to Stand Tall

It is Tarot Tuesday yet again, my darlings! After two consecutive weeks of delving into our feminine energies and tuning in to our creative, nurturing sides, we are now ready to look at the other side of the coin; The Emperor. He is our masculine energy, both a father figure and firm but fair hand to lead us. He demands respect and finds comfort in structure. He walks the fine line between benevolent protector and tyrant. Being in balance with The Emperor is to know your worth and demand respectful treatment, to protect those in your charge, and teach as much as you learn. He is associated with the Greek and Roman god Ares, as well as the planet Mars.

Upright, The Emperor is unafraid of confrontation, and won’t hesitate to protect those he cares about. Like him, you must listen to the counsel of others, but make up your own mind in the end. Whatever situation you are facing, you need to embody the Emperor’s established rules and regulations. You can create calm from the chaos by breaking it down into its parts and mapping out the actions needed to resolve it. He signifies expertise and a worldly knowledge, and much like a father, wants you to impart your knowledge and expertise to others so that they may be as wise and powerful as you are. You know your boundaries and aren’t scared to hold them against the pressures put upon you by society, friends, family, whoever may challenge them. He is patient and disciplined in his endeavors, marching steadily toward his goals. However he is also flexible. He asks that you understand that change is a part of life and that adapting to bumps in the road or downed trees is a way of life. Keep your eyes on the bigger picture and keep moving. You will reach your destination.

Reversed, The Emperor warns of an excessive amount of control. Check in with your relationship to power and authority. Are you hoarding power? Abusing the amount of control you have in a situation? You don’t need to take power from others or give it away, it can be distributed equally. Perhaps you are facing the lack of power in a situation He may encourage you to stand up to authority figures. Perhaps your motivation and discipline to move steadily to your goal has waned. Check that your plan and routine support reaching your goal, and dedicate yourself to seeing it through. You may need to get tough with yourself and do the uncomfortable work you’ve been avoiding. It can be unpleasant, but it is necessary. There is also the possibility that The Emperor reversed speaks to an unhappy relationship. Perhaps you or your partner has become overbearing and possessive. If you feel your independence and freedom have been taken away, the power imbalance is putting strain on the relationship and you must confront it to regain a balanced flow of energies between you. 

Our masculine energy wants us to take charge. It wants us to stand our ground and connect with those around us to reach a greater good. Becoming friendly with confrontation is a challenge for most. We don’t want to rock the boat. We don’t want to make waves. We want to let change find us, but the Emperor is our sign to be our own advocate. We are powerful. We are capable. We can be understanding and still stand our ground on our boundaries. When the going gets tough, we can dig in our heels and brace for impact. You are stronger than you think, my darlings. And it can be scary to tap into that power, but it is exhilarating to take away the power that fear has over us. Breathe, assess, and keep your eyes on the horizon! 

Fae Friday: Spirits Within

Hello, my lovelies! As the Ambassador to the Fae for the Midwest Coast Coven, I wanted to start a weekly blog post discussing faeries and our interactions with them. To me, faeries are synonymous with nature. And much like Pocahontas, I believe that “every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name.” The personification of these spirits found within the natural world are what I would call faeries. And I’m not the only one who has this belief system. Throughout time, basically every region and culture have included faeries or faerie-like creatures within their mythologies (Eason, 2002). From the malicious Red Caps of Ireland and Scotland, to the Japanese Tengu with their fans of feathers, and even to our own shores in North America where Native Americans in the Algonquin tribe could hear the distant drumming of the antlered Manitou Fae (Eason, 2002).

Due to their pervasive presence around the globe, there are numerous forms faeries can take. I’ll be using these Fae Friday posts to dig a little deeper into the different kinds of Fae, their histories, and any notable examples found in literature or pop culture. For today’s post, however, I wanted to keep it simple by discussing why exactly the existence of faeries is so prevalent in Pagan groups like Wiccans, Druids, Shamans, and others. As I mentioned above, faeries tend to be a personification of nature, and Pagans of all kinds have a crucial foundation in common: nature is sacred, and they seek to have a closer relationship with the natural world (Goodrich, 2015). Animism is a common occurrence in Pagan religions because it attributes non-human things such as plants, animals, and inanimate objects with a soul (i.e., flower faeries and selkies of the sea).

In an age where it feels like the planet itself is dying merely so humans can feel like conquerors (over the land, over the animals, and even over other humans), it is no surprise that Pagans are trying to imbue the Earth with magic and make it as revered as it was before technology made man feel invincible. Fantastical creatures like faeries help give Pagans what they crave: a living being to commune with that makes them feel closer to nature as they try to heal it (Goodrich, 2015). This is why there has been a resurgence of the Faery Faith in recent decades. It’s due to people like us who revere nature and who can feel when it is hurting due to human expansion and neglect. By anthropomorphizing aspects of the natural world like trees, rivers, flowers, crystals, etc., we are trying to commune with and restore the land before it is lost.

Fairies, Away!
Image by Arthur Rackham via

Communing with the Fae in Your Life
I want to leave all of you with an activity that can help you feel more connected with any Fae that may be sharing your space. Since faeries and nature go hand in hand, the key here is to find an environment that makes you feel the most linked to the world around you. Don’t despair if you live in the city or if you don’t have access to a vast wilderness in your backyard. Faeries are strong creatures who have lasted throughout the ages; they are adaptable and can find ways to exist even in the most tech-heavy environments. Perhaps you have some potted plants that you care for inside. Maybe there is a rooftop garden nearby or a vegetable garden in your backyard. A botanical garden or park within walking distance. There are even elementals who thrive in the air, so just staring out a window into the sky beyond can work.

I am lucky enough to live nestled inside a small woods in the middle of nowhere. It is not hard for me to walk out my front door and immediately start communing with nature. While exploring my forest one day in spring, I noticed a round stone surrounded by a ring of blooming daffodils. I was immediately pulled to this spot and felt a magical energy about it. This is the faery circle I come to whenever I participate in a ritual like celebrating the full moon or embracing the coming changes during Imbolc.

Pick a day to go out (or stay in if you are cultivating an indoor garden) that works best for you. I would suggest times where the light is at its most vibrant: sunrise, sunset, or when the full moon is at its peak in the sky. Go where the aura of nature is the strongest for you, like your favorite flower fleetingly in bloom, a rock formation that draws you in with its permanence and strength, or perhaps an ancient tree that may have witnessed many secrets over the ages. Sit near your chosen spot and allow yourself to feel connected to the living, natural spirits around you. Feel as if you are sprouting roots into the Earth and out into the universe. Once you feel linked, let your eyes become unfocused. The light from the sun filtering through your windows or the moon streaming between tree branches may reveal faeries hidden in your presence. Let yourself see them out of the corner of your eye, hiding under a petal, or taking shelter beneath a mushroom cap.

Thank them for allowing you to witness their comings and goings by leaving a small offering of some kind. I usually leave fruits or nuts around my faery circle for the forest spirits to take when I leave. After you’re done with this exercise, go find a notebook to chronicle the experience. Write descriptions of what you saw. Or, if you have some artistic inclinations, try to sketch any faeries who crossed your path.

I hope you enjoy this experience! I’ll see you next week as we dive deeper into the world of the Fae.

Eason, C. (2002). A complete guide to faeries & magical beings. Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
Goodrich, S. (2015). Human-nature relationship and faery faith in the American Pagan subculture. The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College.

Oh no! Mercury! It’s broken!

No worries, my darlings! Mercury may appear to be moving backward, but it will return to its regularly scheduled orbit today! Everyone talks about Mercurial retrograde with trepidation and fear, but really, retrogrades of any planet are the perfect time to pause and do some introspection. Mercury just happens to go retrograde more often than the other planets in our solar system. Specifically it will do so four times this year, and give us a sense of getting our wires crossed or running into confrontational delays for a few weeks. This particular retrograde occurred alongside the Venus retrograde that ended on the 29th, and the next will occur from May 10th until June 2nd; right before Saturn goes retrograde on June 4th. But we’ll talk about Saturn another time. 

Coupled with the Venus retrograde that just ended, this particular Mercurial retrograde started in innovative, Aquarius and shifted into Capricorn on January 25th. It had us scrutinizing the relationships we keep and those that are nothing but glitches and miscommunications. You may have felt like it was time to do some emotional housekeeping. Where we laid new plans for our personal relationships and wealth from Venus’ retrograde, this Mercury retrograde had us looking closely at the situations, people, and behavioral patterns that we allowed into our day to day. Now that Mercury has gone direct again you probably have a clear idea of who or what you want to stay in your life, and that which you want to remove. 

Perhaps you needed this period of introspection to remember that you do not always need to be accessible. In the technological age, we are always on our phones. Texts, emails, phone calls, we are constantly available to others. It’s okay to be inaccessible! Especially when chances for miscommunication are high! Did you take some time to disconnect and look inward? Were you patient and clear with your words during this time when you did communicate? Did you give yourself grace when you realized that you weren’t clear on your own intentions and thus couldn’t convey them properly? 

This dual retrograde was the perfect time to slow down and look inward, focus on what you need and want for yourself from those around you so that you can move forward confidently as the planets appear to do. If you weren’t able to stay patient and compassionate, maybe take a moment to reach out to those you snapped at and apologize for your actions so you can clear the slate and start fresh! Everyone deserves a little grace, my darlings. Breathe deep and remember to give it to yourself as much as you offer it to others.